TAOC Discussion

I haven't actually taken interest in TAOC before, but I had a bit of time on my hands today and I watched the 'Fielder Glimpse' and everything looks absolutely fantastic.
So its a 3d cricket game that people can download for free? Or is it going to be a retailed game?
I haven't actually taken interest in TAOC before, but I had a bit of time on my hands today and I watched the 'Fielder Glimpse' and everything looks absolutely fantastic.
So its a 3d cricket game that people can download for free? Or is it going to be a retailed game?

Not known yet.
just a note on why the fielding was so hard when seemingly shouldn't be in case anyone is wondering 'what took so long??'...

because of the ball physics method im using in TAOC, which was designed from scratch, the ball decelerates over time due to friction on the ground. The net velocity of the ball decreases at each bounce on the ground and as it rolls. The metrics involved are pretty complex as the amount of deceleration varies at each bounce and roll. This decelerating in realtime makes the proposed point of interception the fielder must run to very hard to determine. If the ball was a constant velocity then its very easy, but to predict the deceleration is very very difficult. I dont believe there is a formula for this (at least not that i could find on the net lol), so i had to work out the best way to simulate this. The other hurdle i had was restricting the amount of calculations per loop so it didn't slow down the game at all i.e. retained 60fps.


just a note on why the fielding was so hard when seemingly shouldn't be in case anyone is wondering 'what took so long??'...

because of the ball physics method im using in TAOC, which was designed from scratch, the ball decelerates over time due to friction on the ground. The net velocity of the ball decreases at each bounce on the ground and as it rolls. The metrics involved are pretty complex as the amount of deceleration varies at each bounce and roll. This decelerating in realtime makes the proposed point of interception the fielder must run to very hard to determine. If the ball was a constant velocity then its very easy, but to predict the deceleration is very very difficult. I dont believe there is a formula for this (at least not that i could find on the net lol), so i had to work out the best way to simulate this. The other hurdle i had was restricting the amount of calculations per loop so it didn't slow down the game at all i.e. retained 60fps.



thanks for that information mate so ai is up next right
thanks for that information mate so ai is up next right

once i finish adding teh fielding snims, then AI is up....which will make or break the game ;)

But if i have anything to do with it, it will 'make' the game hehe :D
heads up people......the gaddafi stadium is 75% completed !! :D

hopefully, will be able to finish it by this weekend......:)
Believe me, LM is not kidding you.. to do the fielding is some serious mathematics!
Not bad for a sys admin to pull this off :P

And who said calculus is useless?!!
Hey everyone,

just a quick note...you may notice some various form of advertising on the official site now and then and i just wanted to explain that briefly so no-one got the wrong idea.. ;)

The advertising is helping me to be able to generate enough revenue to pay for the web hosting money, which is great :)

Every little bit of monetary help goes a long way and im very appreciative of that (the Google ads in particular). So i just wanted to ask for everyone's understanding on the advertising front. Im not asking you to do anything lol, just letting you all know why i have some on there. If i was rich then i wouldn't have any lol, but im not so it really helps me pay some of those necessary bills. If you are interested in any of it then cool, otherwise feel free to ignore it ;)

cheers, all

Hey everyone,

just a quick note...you may notice some various form of advertising on the official site now and then and i just wanted to explain that briefly so no-one got the wrong idea.. ;)

The advertising is helping me to be able to generate enough revenue to pay for the web hosting money, which is great :)

Every little bit of monetary help goes a long way and im very appreciative of that (the Google ads in particular). So i just wanted to ask for everyone's understanding on the advertising front. Im not asking you to do anything lol, just letting you all know why i have some on there. If i was rich then i wouldn't have any lol, but im not so it really helps me pay some of those necessary bills. If you are interested in any of it then cool, otherwise feel free to ignore it ;)

cheers, all

How much do you get for each click??

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