TAOC Discussion


you'll be pleased to hear that LM and myself since friday night
have worked around 20+ hours for the special update we promised....
and unfortunately i cant reveal anything right now but if things
go according to the plan, then you might get to see it by today
or most probably tomorrow ! :)

LM And JK i think that you two have done extremly well to produce this game, On the site the newer screens and videos look absolutly amazing, I really cannot wait for this game, Could i just ask will this game but fully modable? So anybody can mod it? I really cant wait lads, Well done.

thanx morson.
well, you can check out this post for your query :-

Thanks, everyone. Great to get your support as usual.

Yes, everything will be moddable, except perhaps the 3d models themselves (i.e. geometry). All textures and stats and teams and players and comps etc etc will be fully and easily moddable. If it isn't then (like suggested above) myself and JK will be able to assist in making it so.

Also, as JK mentioned, we're running a bit behind schedule on the 'surprise' front, but we both put in a lot of work over the weekend and the week before that (lost count of the hours) in order to get this little 'surprise' ready. We hope you'll all like it. What is immediately apparent is how much better things are compared to before. Its behind the scenes where this stuff makes our lives so much easier and nicer, so its a huge weight off my shoulders. As usual there's a downside, in this case its the time and effort required to integrate into the existing code.

Anyway, stay tuned.

Great news LM and Jak :) You both are doing an excellent job :hpraise Waiting for the surprise :happy
Excellent news.

Cant wait for the surprise. I hope its a Demo :)

wohow !!! you guys are expecting too much LOL ! :p....
its not a demo nor any mocap....

its something which we did because it'll make our life much more easier and give us less headaches and we HOPE that you'll like it too....!

but it was definitely worth the effort and the in-game presentation
has improved heaps i can tell ya that !! ;)
wohow !!! you guys are expecting too much LOL ! :p....
its not a demo nor any mocap....

its something which we did because it'll make our life much more easier and give us less headaches and we HOPE that you'll like it too....!

but it was definitely worth the effort and the in-game presentation
has improved heaps i can tell ya that !! ;)
How long??:p I cant wait:p
lol, hope we haven't built it up too much ;)

It's a 'little surprise', not a demo or mocap or anything like that. But i think you guys will all like it. Should be ready by tonight, just have to fix up a few things....


heads up people, TAOC special update will be up in the next couple of
hours ! :D

stay tuned !! ;)

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