[Team Thread] The Stump Smashers - Season 2010

18 I'd assume, seeing as he's just hit that age :p

In NZ, you only have to be 15 to get your license. Of course that kinda explains why so many youths plow their Corolla's into a tree.

You need a nickname Iridium, your name is just too long to type, how about Iri? or Dium? Or Jason?

His name is 7 alphabets long, that is al long as your name sim:p

Yea! My nickname is the same number of letters as your one! :laugh I can't think of another nickname on the spot. Lemme get back to you on this.
lol I didn't get my license until I was 17
Pranav, my name is once again appearing AAKASH00 in the first post! :( Please change it.

BTW can I have a sig too?
we have to be 16 in Australia to get learners. since i'm a year younger than the rest of the year, I"m not going to be wasting anytime and get it straight away.
That's what I said. "I'm gonna get it as soon as I can!!" but then I just got lazy and never bothered until I just happened to be heading near a testing centre.
I only sat it cos my mum made me lol On my restricted atm
In India, you get a license to drive a gear-less motorcycle when you're 16. Whereas to drive a car or a geared motorcycle, you must be 18. You get a learner's license for 30 days, which can be turned to a permanent one after that time.
Thats about right. But you didn't described the whole process.
After 30 days there are two options :
a) A instructor would take your test, pass it then hope for best
b) Spend $10 and you would get your license delivered to your doorsteps by a agent :p

Second option is not legal though:D
There's another option as well: If you know someone in the transport department, you'll get your license legally without passing the test. The transport incharge of our area is my father's patient. So all I have to do is to go there and have a cold drink. Then when everything is ready, go for the photo and sign on the required documents.
Well that is illegal too, you just saved some bucks there. The agent who takes $10 for the license knows someone in Transport Dept. So in a way you know him and he is giving you license without test. See same here:D

You are illegal to:p:p
@Simbazz: I'll switch to a pure bowler if you like.

Yeah, it's 16 here to get learners. B'day's in Feb so will get it before most of my mates.
Covvy, that'd be good, 3 Fasts and me as a spinner for our attack. I'll make the changes.

Pranav, change the sheet please :)

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