[Team Thread] The Stump Smashers - Season 2010

Dutchy and Pranav, I've consulted the other team owners in our secret area (I say secret, its just a place were we call all of you, especially AngryPixel, his banter is epically bad!) to make sure the practice of taking vCash is ok.

If the answer is no, I'll return it, and Dutchy can still sponsor the team. If the answers yes, Dutchy can have the option of me returning it, and still have the sponsor. Sounds like a fair deal to me.

Pranav, wonderful logo for him there, its fantastic!

@everyone, Just a quick note, as I've seen Sohum make an announcement. I know this is the first time for some/most of you in Cricsim, and we do like the banter but could I ask you all to think for 20 seconds before you hit the "post," button, as sometimes its horrible reading through some of the threads.

Banter is funny, not massively personal and definitely is within context of the moment. I've seen some cases, and not necessarily from the Smashers, where its been bordering on a bit of abuse, so lets cut it out. Work on the basis that, if you wouldn't say it face to face, don't say it on here.


Finally, I'll probably get the weekend to do some serious testing, hopefully have Pranav around a bit too so we can discuss stuff, as he's effectively the team captain next week in our tournament. Once we find a balance, we'll stick with it. Not to say the 4 of you who don't make it, won't get a chance, but if you're not active, you're not in the team. I think thats more than a fair policy.

Good stuff Simon. Can't wait to get started!
Well, my bank account atleast thinks you're cool Dutchy :)
Whooot! Dutchad is the shirt sponosr! Yeah! We need a press conference!:) They are beautiful Pranav!

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