Teams you root for

He is not trolling. Highlander begun all the mess and when an Indian replies to his sh!t, you call him a troll.

Let me tell you, Mark, you are one of the biggest trolls on PlanetCricket. Not joking, I'm serious. You don't have anything to speak on cricket, nor on other topics. All that you do is criticize the Muslim culture for no reason, criticize India and boast your silly fishing skills.

Hardly in the past 6 months or even longer have I seen a meaningful, sensible post from you.

You and Tom generally are the ones who go off-topic, the thread gets ruined and later you blame the 'pre-teen Asians' for it. Go get a life, man!

You guys suck so much at life, your parents have to arrange marriages for you, because you're all so socially retarded. I've lost count of the number of messages I have received asking me to help you lot with relationships. Seriously, the average 18 year old Indian is about as mature as a 10 year old Westerner when it comes to life. So yeah, maybe me and Mark wind you lot up, but it is because frankly you all fail so hard at life, that Darwin must turn in his grave that you represent one part of the human race and what it has evolved to :)
Not really, I'm talking about the guys here. I've always maintained I have a huge proportion of my friends who are Indian and they speak the same way of their own country, and frankly I would say the exact same to a Brit if they were like this.
you would say they suck at life because they have to arrange marriages?

really, tom, I like you, you're generally a funny guy, that is absolutely disgusting thing to say, and I think espousing the supposed superior intelligence of western society in a blatantly racist statement is more than a little ironic. and it's nothing you should try and defend or be proud of.


jesus, I've just read the last few pages back. playing "my country is better than yours."?

what a bunch of pillocks you all are. grow the hell up, and take a long hard look at yourselves.
I was meaning the number of times I have been asked to give help in regards to relationships. Seriously, one of my best mates is from Delhi, and he says the problem with Indian kids is their parents do everything, from arranging their marriages to choosing their jobs for them. He says they totally lack social skills and are reliant on having everything done for them, and he said he suffered such a culture shock when he first came to Scotland cause of it, but he is glad that he did cause he grew up.

Like I have said, I am in no means racist, I severely look down on a lot of people here, but also hold a lot of guys in great respect, for their coherent and well educated outlook on life. However, I, as I am sure a large number of other of the more long term members get fed up, with the outlook the majority of Indian members present here on not only cricket, but everything. I have long ago given up trying to have a reasoned argument with them, because frankly it is like talking to a toddler

EDIT - I'll just add that Indian who works off-shore in Canada, whilst I disagree with his views at least he has travelled the world and can present a formulated argument, just that he has a different opinion, which is fair enough
I was meaning the number of times I have been asked to give help in regards to relationships. Seriously, one of my best mates is from Delhi, and he says the problem with Indian kids is their parents do everything, from arranging their marriages to choosing their jobs for them. He says they totally lack social skills and are reliant on having everything done for them, and he said he suffered such a culture shock when he first came to Scotland cause of it, but he is glad that he did cause he grew up.

Like I have said, I am in no means racist, I severely look down on a lot of people here, but also hold a lot of guys in great respect, for their coherent and well educated outlook on life. However, I, as I am sure a large number of other of the more long term members get fed up, with the outlook the majority of Indian members present here on not only cricket, but everything. I have long ago given up trying to have a reasoned argument with them, because frankly it is like talking to a toddler

if you're fed up responding maturely then stop responding, in saying stuff like that you make yourself look even worse and somewhat undermines some of the early comments about the UK being multi-cultural. yeah we're so multi-cultural in an arguement we resort to racism:rolleyes. there's no excuse for taking broad cultural swipes at people, how is garbage like that helping anything?
TBF, I know it isn't but I have done an 8 and a half hour shift with little to no sleep so frankly am so grumpy I would probs snarl at anyone at the moment. Yeah, I overstepped the line this evening, but everyone who has been here a while, knows I don't really think like that and every 6 months or so I have a mood couple of hours on the forum, I just don't always have someone appear so quickly to guilt me :p
Live back in India you wont even pass your 10th grade. You say about arrange marriages we atleast listen to what our parents say unlike you arrogant westerners who care a fearsome tweak about their parents. I seriously would like to post more and more and bring you to a world of reality but it seems you are not been able to carry your real life burden and hence trying to remove it here. I can understand but be in your LIMITS or else we will lose our limits
Live back in India you wont even pass your 10th grade. You say about arrange marriages we atleast listen to what our parents say unlike you arrogant westerners who care a fried chicken about their parents. I seriously would like to post more and more and bring you to a world of reality but it seems you are not been able to carry your real life burden and hence trying to remove it here. I can understand but be in your LIMITS or else we will lose our limits

dude, no one wants to do this. so just shut up about it.

people should get judged by what they say not where they're from, so lets dial up the intelligence meters a little bit.

and one of the people in the world I've most admired in my life is an indian, ghandi, and I'd be proud if someone like that belonged to my nationality, but i think possibly he had slightly higher limits than losing his rag on an internet message board.
I see people talking about arranged marriages. Well in India, arranged marriages have worked spectacularly for decades now. But they have been on a rapid decline for more than a decade now with the influence of movies and the West. If you ask me, generations of my family (and many other families that my family has hanged out with) have lived very happily together and all of them have had arranged marriages. I probably might have mine as an arranged one by my parents. This is a movie dialogue from an Indian film but I believe in this and I will say this here "My parents have known which food is best for me, which school should I go to, which college I need to join, etc. And I am sure they will also know who is the right girl for me".

If Indians are embarassed about having lot of arranged marriages in their system, I seriously pity them. Most of the time, arranged marriages have worked. In India, divorce rates have been increasing in the past decade and not surprisingly, it has collided with the rise in love marriages. See the trend?


and one of the people in the world I've most admired in my life is an indian, ghandi, and I'd be proud if someone like that belonged to my nationality, but i think possibly he had slightly higher limits than losing his rag on an internet message board.

Just a minor diversion - Its Gandhi. 'Ghandi' in Hindi is a swear word.:D
Hey Sai

Where do you live again?

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What does my living in America have to do with my belief in the marriage system? I came here when I was in my teens because my parents shifted here. And I am continuing to be here because in an overly crowded Indian job market, I want to enter with experience (both job experience and experience of different cultures). My ultimate goal is to settle back in India as soon as I can.
Wow, too much ignorance (from both sides) for one man to take... There are some pretty disgusting posts in this thread that I don't even want to begin to dissect because it sickens me that people actually think like that.

Anyways, back to the actual topic... India first and then it depends on who's playing for the other teams.

Australia- Clarke, Pattinson, Cummins, Ponting
South Africa- Kallis, ABDV, Steyn, Morkel, Philander
New Zealand- Taylor, Boult
Sri Lanka- Sangakkara, Matthews
Pakistan- used to be Aamir and Asif but nobody really interests me that much now except maybe Shafiq
England- KP, Bell, Cook, Anderson, Broad, Swann, Tremlett, Finn
West Indies- Roach, Taylor, Edwards, Gayle, Sarwan, and the Bravos
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Congratulations:rolleyes:facepalm.This thread was meant to discuss about teams we root for and the topic has drastically changed suddenly:p:lol

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