Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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To many misses for me.

Ok, then post the issues you have in the issues and anomolies thread, and the team can read about them. You will actually find however, that the majority of the points you raised, have already been raised by others, and are being looked at already by the team. Have some idea of what you're talking about before posting.

This thread, for all intents and purposes, achieves nothing other than you having a whinge. If you have problems, post about them in the thread where problems can actually get looked at and potentially fixed. That way you might get the better value for money that you desire.

There's nothing stopping you from providing constructive feedback, in the format that will most likely be read, in the correct thread.

There's also nothing stopping you from selling/returning the game, and continuing to play IC10.
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[QUOthemdrolo;2740479]Casanova. Thanks for the pep talk. You'll make a great captain one day.

On loading screens you see quotes from Bradman. I've seen one a few times. I'm not going to quote it exactly because I can't remember it word for word.

It says something about - how can scoring a big hundred be satisfying when you miss on a few occasions. He goes on to say something about striving for perfection.

Now I would have been naive to think that this game was perfection. But parting with ?50 I have every right to believe it would be damn near.

To many misses for me.[/QUOTE]
Just shut up if you dont like it stop playing other People like it maybe you not because your not good at it its not the games problem its your problem you finnaly got a good game And your still complaining
Only thing i dont like is the laggy glitchy online really poor.
Single player is great tho not perfect by any means but great 1st attempt.
Casanova. Thanks for the pep talk. You'll make a great captain one day.

On loading screens you see quotes from Bradman. I've seen one a few times. I'm not going to quote it exactly because I can't remember it word for word.

It says something about - how can scoring a big hundred be satisfying when you miss on a few occasions. He goes on to say something about striving for perfection.

Now I would have been naive to think that this game was perfection. But parting with ?50 I have every right to believe it would be damn near.

To many misses for me.

Each to there own mate. I agree Bigant should have testing the game more and seen the bugs and problem and not released the game but my only advice is to either sell the game as you are planning or a smarter idea wait till both patches are released and see if you like it then.

PS Like Snowy said so well, we all see the same problems as you do as we are not blind but there is help coming very.

Has this game been over hype yes but this is not Bigants fault that's ares as simple as as that. Just in case you missed it. PATCH/PATCH.:D
It is the best cricket game ever a cricket game is much more difficult to make than a football game ea with So much money couldnt make a good game look how.good big ant has. Done it maybe they Will make improvements in the next game And al the things are gonna be patched welk don @bigant
The game has it's issues, and you've highlighted a few of them quite nicely there, but let's actually get a few things straight:

1. This is the first cricket game that I've ever played where bowling is actually anything more than a chore. It takes thought, concentration and is actually genuinely fun to try and master. This is a big tick in favour of the game in comparison to the ol' pitch marker games
2. The batting feels natural and unique, and whilst a bit brutal to get the hang of, is still a lot of fun
3. The fielding keeps the player involved and is the first cricket game I've seen to allow the player to actually take control on chasing down that ball, diving to tap in back and actually do more than just quick time events for catches
4. The physics is fantastic, the best I've ever seen for a cricket game. To see a catch taken after a ball is driven into silly point and flies up and back to the bowler is a wonderful thing to watch.

We also have to note that most of the issues with the game are balance and AI concerns, not concerns with the core of the game. To me there are the following major issues:

1. The ridiculous accuracy of throws from the fielders
2. The fielders are a bit too good at times
3. Career issues to do with player selection and performance (part of the balancing act of setting players from a standard metric rather than their "real" attributes as per the database seems to be the cause from what I've seen)
4. The AI batsmen tend to either middle or miss, meaning there are few edges, but lots of boundaries off of what would normally be called "good balls". Their tendency to throw the bat around leads to a lot of bowled and lbw dismissals.

1 and 2 seem to be top of the list for the first patch, while I've heard they are looking into 3. 4 is a more subtle problem, but something they are hopefully looking into.

Even with those issues the game is a wonder in comparison to the rubbish we've had in recent memory and still great fun, and with how Big Ant have handled themselves to now, I am sure they will sort of those few issues with the game.
Lordrolo must still care or he would just go and from here and sell the game. Last i will say, yes the game is good but it does have so many problems and a lot more than we hoped but Bigant were prepared for this.
Ok, then post the issues you have in the issues and anomolies thread, and the team can read about them. You will actually find however, that the majority of the points you raised, have already been raised by others, and are being looked at already by the team. Have some idea of what you're talking about before posting.

This thread, for all intents and purposes, achieves nothing other than you having a whinge. If you have problems, post about them in the thread where problems can actually get looked at and potentially fixed. That way you might get the better value for money that you desire.

There's nothing stopping you from providing constructive feedback, in the format that will most likely be read, in the correct thread.

There's also nothing stopping you from selling/returning the game, and continuing to play IC10.

I will post what I like where I like thanks. Although you would love to be Casanova, you're not a moderator. Forums are designed for opinions. Yeah I'm having a bit of a moan but I'm entitled to. There's noting stopping me.
I will post what I like where I like thanks. Although you would love to be Casanova, you're not a moderator. Forums are designed for opinions. Yeah I'm having a bit of a moan but I'm entitled to. There's noting stopping me.

So you moan about problems with a game yet refuse to put them where the developers will see them and fix them. Not exactly helping yourself or the developers here are you.

And has it changed to an opinion over a fact now?
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Lordrolo must still care or he would just go and from here and sell the game. Last i will say, yes the game is good but it does have so many problems and a lot more than we hoped but Bigant were prepared for this.

Of course I care I love cricket I think from my original post it's clear that I'm a cricket fan. But subtlety and attention to detail is what I love the most.
Of course I care I love cricket I think from my original post it's clear that I'm a cricket fan. But subtlety and attention to detail is what I love the most.

Then if you want a better game, maybe post your issues in the thread that can potentially help you get a better game.

It's not bloody rocket science.
I will post what I like where I like thanks. Although you would love to be Casanova, you're not a moderator. Forums are designed for opinions. Yeah I'm having a bit of a moan but I'm entitled to. There's noting stopping me.

Ok we get it, the game has faults.:rolleyes

PS Lordrollo you have wrote a lot here and never said anything about the patch. You must have the net so if most of what you don't like get's fixed next week then all this is for nothing. It's like buying a burger and it has pineapple on it but you did not no, just wait till the pineapple has gone and try the burger(Don14) or just go and have a play(:p) to release your stress if you don't have a lady ok.:D
To be fair to the game I haven't spent long enough in bat to really criticise it. What I will say is it takes minimal skill and can be done one handed. Also you can't nudge and poke you way to a score. Everything seems really aggressive. Also shots that I seem to play go elsewhere. I like the idea of unorthodox shots but you never know which once your batsman is going to play. Personally prefer IC10s method of weighted analog stick movements for weight of shot. Much more sophisticated. 3-0

International Cricket 2010 having more sophisticated batting? What?

Firstly, it seems you don't even understand the controls for batting, you and freely admit this, then still go on to criticise them.

The depth of the batting in this game is great, but let's start with the actual controls:

Left stick: Foot placement
Right stick: Shot selection
Right bumper: Advance down the wicket
Left bumper: Unorthodox shots
Right trigger: Defensive shots
Left trigger: Aggressive shots
Both triggers: Aggressive ground shots

But what does this all mean in practice. Well, to start with if you want to push the ball, you slightly depress the right trigger and you will play a more defensive than normal shot, but not try and kill it entirely (which is what happens when you have the trigger right down). If not for the overpowered fielders (which is being patch) it would be a lot easier to push for a single to rotate the strike (although it is still possible with some practice and some sense of the field).

The next thing of note is how important foot placement is as well as shot selection. I hear some people mention "the ball not going the direction I wanted", and the simply point is this isn't the simple cartoon cricket of the past, shot selection is the direction of the shot, but where the ball goes is entirely up to how it makes contact with the bat. If it catches the bat early (say you're attempting to pull the ball and mess up the timing slightly), then it isn't going to go the direction you "picked". Unless the ball is middled, which ever shot is picked it's not going exactly that direction. But of course that's all just common sense.

Moving on to the unorthodox shots, they aren't unpredictable at all. In fact, go into practice mode and play around with them, just like all the other shots in the game it's the direction of the sticks that choose the shot, not the ball. If you go front foot and to the right on the right stick with an unorthodox shot (with a right hander), it'll be a reverse sweep each and every time. To the left is a sweep of course. Pushing forward is one of those scoop shots as I learned when I was caught out by a bowler with an unexpectedly straight ball (it actually went for 4 though... whew...).

As for batting in general, don't knock it until you've given it a proper try. It is a joy.
IC10 is better then DBC14..lol that's a great joke.


Mate take it easy because all these bugs will be fix soon.
plus this is there first cricket game and its great.
Right so take off your rose tinted glasses and listen to what is really poor about this game.

Firstly, unlike International Cricket 2010, (IC10) you can't play two players on one side. I actually have friends and we like to have a batsman and bowler each and have to catch each other's chances which can cause some great arguments. There is also running each other out which was a great past time of mine. For me this is an epic fail on DBC14 part. IC10 1 DBC14 0

So what shall I play... I don't want to play a 5 test match series with Austrailia thanks. So career mode it is. I choose my player, simple enough. Although you can make your 16 year old look like a prune that's been sat at the beach all day.
I'm a bowling all-rounder so I'm pretty much in the action quite a lot.

To cut to the chase, I'm bored already. Why? We'll I've started as Hampshire which according to those god awful commentators is Ahmedabad. I've played four four day games and four pro 40 matches. As you can imagine I've bowled a lot of overs. I'd say I've go about 30 wickets so far which isn't bad. Now what is the most common dismissal in cricket? Caught behind surely. How many of my 30 wickets are caught behind? 0.

The way my bowler gets wickets is bowled and lbw. The odd catch in the deep. I mean come on. You can't bowl to plans or work a batsman over. And when you do actually bowl a batsman the stumps don't move and the bails dribble off. Every time. Rubbish. In IC10 you could work over a batsman and get him caught behind and send his off stump cartwheeling backwards. 2-0

Ok before I go into batting I want to talk quickly about Michael Carberry. For those who don't know he's a opening batsman for Hampshire. He opens the bowling with me in this game and is leading wicket taker in the county championship thus far. Nice one Big Ant.

To be fair to the game I haven't spent long enough in bat to really criticise it. What I will say is it takes minimal skill and can be done one handed. Also you can't nudge and poke you way to a score. Everything seems really aggressive. Also shots that I seem to play go elsewhere. I like the idea of unorthodox shots but you never know which once your batsman is going to play. Personally prefer IC10s method of weighted analog stick movements for weight of shot. Much more sophisticated. 3-0

My last issue with this mode is the fielding. All the fielders can throw down the stumps no matter where they are. This should be a rare event. And even when the fielder does throw the stumps down and the wicket keepers end, the wicket keeper also knocks the stumps over just to make sure. 8/10 times the bowler also knocks the bails off when the batsman is safely home. Annoying.

The only other mode I've played (apart from a T20 match with my mate that was abandoned after ten overs because we both came to the conclusion it was shocking) is online mode.

I've been quite excited about playing online mode. I tell you don't bother. It is riddled with bugs. A few incidents.
1. Slow response to running. Run then for F&@% sake.
2. I played a nice ground stroke through the covers which the fielder stopped. Got given out caught.
3. When I'm in bat the fielders are like superman. That's a four he's nowhere near it. Oh no he's right under it all of a sudden.
4. No bowling meter. Pffft.
5. Batting feels sluggish and unresponsive.
6. The fielding reminds me of a clip I saw on YouTube for Ashes 13
7. All round jerky horrible feel that reminds me of a game I played about 8 years ago.

So these are my reasons for coming to the conclusion that this is a over hyped piece of junk. The only positive thing for me is the stats. I mean you would have done well to f&@% them up. I like looking at my average and strike rate over the season. I commend that. 3-1

So I will be putting my copy on eBay to try and regain some of my loss. I'll leave you with one last comment from that dull commentator as I mistakenly put Eoin Morgan into bowl my last online over. " the batsman will have to beware this bowler has terrific pace and can really hurt you"


Agree with this "review" 100%, after all the hype leading up to the release it is a really big disappointment.

Don't get me wrong it's a step up from ashes09 and ic10, but that's hardly anything to get excited about.

Offline to many bugs, and online well let's not go there

Ashes 09, had one thing right, online play which other than quitters was a really enjoyable experience.

All in all, I'll still play it, mainly because with all cricket game it's all we have, but can't deny I'm really disappointed with it.
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