Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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in some of the videos i do see some moments of ac13 in dbc14, waiting for patch . anyways i dont have console to play.:noway
I have taken many wickets edged to slips you obviousley just plain suck.:D
Why aren't you guys playing the game? You've all be creaming your pants over the hype for the past six months yet you're still on this forum policing posts with your C in GCSE English.

I joined this forum today because I wanted to warn people what the game was like. People have a right to know what the game is really like. This is an honest review.
An honest review with errors mostly caused by yourself. I think we should let this obvious troll go guy because our English is clearly not good enough for him.

Edit : And I am playing it right now :).

Edit 2 : Got an A* in GCSE English thanks.
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Why aren't you guys playing the game? You've all be creaming your pants over the hype for the past six months yet you're still on this forum policing posts with your C in GSCE English.

I joined this forum today because I wanted to warn people what the game was like. People have a right to know what the game is really like. This is an honest review.

Playing it now mate as a career batter while watching Soccer Saturday and on here :thumbs


Why aren't you guys playing the game? You've all be creaming your pants over the hype for the past six months yet you're still on this forum policing posts with your C in GCSE English.

I joined this forum today because I wanted to warn people what the game was like. People have a right to know what the game is really like. This is an honest review.

In your OPINION.

You understand what an opinion is, right?
A wonder if he has any other accounts?:spy

Anyway I love the crusade some people think they need to go when they dont enjoy something and cant stand it that others do enjoy it and feel they need to convince others that their enjoyment is an illusion. Waste of time really.
Everything in my original post is true. I've also seen similar issues in the issues and anomalies thread. This is mainly fact not opinion. Fielders throw down the stumps 99% of the time, Carberry opens the bowling. stumps barley move when hit. Caught behinds are rare. Online is buggy. Fact. This game is rubbish as a result. Opinion.
Everything in my original post is true. I've also seen similar issues in the issues and anomalies thread. This is mainly fact not opinion. Fielders throw down the stumps 99% of the time, Carberry opens the bowling. stumps barley move when hit. Caught behinds are rare. Online is buggy. Fact. This game is rubbish as a result. Opinion.

Clearly you don't.
And if the very few errors you have pointed out that aren't your fault are going to be fixed very shortly whats the problem?
bugs? yes.
terrible? no.

well you are entitled to your opinion but think of this game as a foundation which to build on.

I would hope that in a few more yearly iterations the game will become quite good a la Madden or fifa series.... or even say call of duty.
i think you have flagged faults that are already known and we are advised these will be sorted with patches , so and this is where we hope big ant are different to other game producers that they actually get things fixed not fix a few bits then p**s off to new projects , im personally confident they will do the former and fix the issues because they seem a descent bunch of blokes (as the Aussies would say!)
Everything in my original post is true. I've also seen similar issues in the issues and anomalies thread. This is mainly fact not opinion. Fielders throw down the stumps 99% of the time, Carberry opens the bowling. stumps barley move when hit. Caught behinds are rare. Online is buggy. Fact. This game is rubbish as a result. Opinion.

That these things are in the game is fact. That they ruin the enjoyment of the game is a matter of opinion. That they are being patched is a fact. That many many people are loving the game is also a fact.
I must join in as a judge !!

My main concerns with the game :

1. Direct Hit to stumps (occasionally)
2. Every fielder wicketkeeper make sure to hit stumps twice or three times (sometimes even they miss this)
3. Depth of field (you can't see fielders from far)
4. Replays are strange ( what you want to see you can't see unless you do a manual replay)
5. Awkward Catches in Deep
6. Caught and Bowl always Drops

and this is the most annoying thing that I dislike :

whenever I play a shot towards a gap or a fielder they always catch it !!!!! I mean common is there no way to play safe shots ?

p.s the game's speed is a bit fast too... it's hard to take 2s and 3s..
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