Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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I must join in as a judge !!

My main concerns with the game :

1. Direct Hit to stumps (occasionally)
2. Every fielder wicketkeeper make sure to hit stumps twice or three times (sometimes even they miss this)
3. Depth of field (you can't see fielders from far)
4. Replays are strange ( what you want to see you can't see unless you do a manual replay)
5. Awkward Catches in Deep
6. Caught and Bowl always Drops

and this is the most annoying thing that I dislike :

whenever I play a shot towards a gap or a fielder they always catch it !!!!! I mean common is there no way to play safe shots ?

p.s the game's speed is a bit fast too... it's hard to take 2s and 3s..

Having watched many of the video's others are posting I am generally seeing decent realistic games being played out; the known bugs are being adressed. The difficulties are being overcome by people by taking their time to get used to batting or bowling.

It will always be up to individuals to decide whether what they are experiencing is gamebreaking or not. If many many people have that opinion, i.e BLIC 07 then it is probably the case, however amongst the known bugs there is also much jubilation to be heard.
My favourite part is how he posed the title thread as a question, and then shoots down anyone that doesn't agree with his answer.
Everyone has his right of opinion even though I know his approach is bit harsh but common how are we suppose to get real scores in a one day match when you get out on 70 in 10 overs and your opposition does 120 in 14 overs all out ? in rookie to amateur difficulty
Noticing lots of posts in a variety of threads regarding the patch. Thought i would start a dedicated thread for it to keep all patch/future patch related questions, @BigAntStudios patch information, and comments together to save people repeating themselves and people asking questions repeatedly.

1. If we were to do a radar (unlikely) it would definitely not be in this patch. This patch is ready to go back in.

2. There will also be a slide-out indicating "Field Change" whenever the field has changed to stop you unnecessarily looking around.

3. The first patch will be minimal so as to get it out asap.

4. It will mainly be about the career issue, run outs and the field view.

5. There was always going to be a patch for Online Tournament, Co-op play, and enhanced career (different countries). This is a patch we had not planed for that will include the few things spoken of and not much else.

6. Run outs will be less of an issue post patch. If we can get the patch through this week it could be in your hands with two weeks. (No promises, but I will keep you updated as to progress.)

7. The fielding focus is on run-outs and return throws this time around - we have to get this out fast and not break the game. Too many changes without exhaustive testing could introduce bigger issues than we are trying to solve.

8. "I can't give timeframes for console but it wont be too long. All fixes/additions will ship with the PC version."

I didn't see any crazy stops, but that's not to say they weren't there and it just didn't happen while I was bowling. All fielding seemed to be toned down - it was most noticeable with the lack of direct hits and the occasional resulting overthrow, but I didn't see enough fielding to know.

One thing I did notice - if you field the ball as a bowler in the current version, tap the button to throw it at the stumps, you always hit - I tried that on the patch and I threw it for four.
I'd say the fielders have been toned down.

most of the stuff seems covered in the patch.
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These are just some faults I've found in my first day of playing. There are many, many more including really poor AI. Now the last thing I want to do is convince folk that enjoy the game that it really is a duff game. If you enjoy it that's great I really wish I could say the same thing.

I just feel that most threads are quite positive and there needed to be a harsher critic to make consumers think twice about parting with their hard earned cash.
These are just some faults I've found in my first day of playing. There are many, many more including really poor AI. Now the last thing I want to do is convince folk that enjoy the game that it really is a duff game. If you enjoy it that's great I really wish I could say the same thing.

I just feel that most threads are quite positive and there needed to be a harsher critic to make consumers think twice about parting with their hard earned cash.

I think IGN did that already mate :)


..by playing a different difficulty?

I tried rookie difficulty too... but the thing I hated the most of International Cricket 2009 was the very same thing...

play a ball and get out , edge, catch

The fielders in this game are super human but I think this will be fixed soon.
I tried rookie difficulty too... but the thing I hated the most of International Cricket 2009 was the very same thing...

play a ball and get out , edge, catch

The fielders in this game are super human but I think this will be fixed soon.

Sorry but I honeslty have no idea what you're trying to say.

These are just some faults I've found in my first day of playing. There are many, many more including really poor AI. Now the last thing I want to do is convince folk that enjoy the game that it really is a duff game. If you enjoy it that's great I really wish I could say the same thing.

I just feel that most threads are quite positive and there needed to be a harsher critic to make consumers think twice about parting with their hard earned cash.

Criticism is always need to balance things out. However, valid and balanced criticism is what is required.

You were clearly unaware that the majority of the issues you have identified have been discussed at length over the last week on the forum, and have also been identified by the developers as areas that will be looked at in the first/second patch.

Given the fact that you're uanware of both the fact that the issues have been discussed, and identified, would lead anyone reading your critique to believe that you are either misinformed when presenting your opinions, or simply just being harsh for the sake of trying to bait people.

A lot of the threads are positive because, funnily enough, most people on here are having a positive experience with the game. However, this hasn't stopped them from also posting issues which they think need to be looked at. For example, I thoroughly enjoy the game, but in my very first impression post identified the issues surrounding fielding.

You don't need to have a thread completely devoted to this type of thing, when you can find an entire stickied thread identifying issues and anomolies in the game. Valid criticism isn't being hidden away. You're not some lone crusader trying to warn people before buying the game. They, along with you, just need to read a little bit more.

There's nothing wrong with disliking the game, but bloody hell, at least have some idea of what you're talking about.
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Just missed out on my first 50 with 48 (89). Felt very tense but thoroughly enjoyable, nothing wrong with the batting in Career mode just it's very hard (rather it be that than very easy).
These are just some faults I've found in my first day of playing. There are many, many more including really poor AI. Now the last thing I want to do is convince folk that enjoy the game that it really is a duff game. If you enjoy it that's great I really wish I could say the same thing.

I just feel that most threads are quite positive and there needed to be a harsher critic to make consumers think twice about parting with their hard earned cash.

So you're criticizing the game because you believe there are many faults that you haven't found yet :facepalm?
Right so take off your rose tinted glasses and listen to what is really poor about this game.

Firstly, unlike International Cricket 2010, (IC10) you can't play two players on one side. I actually have friends and we like to have a batsman and bowler each and have to catch each other's chances which can cause some great arguments. There is also running each other out which was a great past time of mine. For me this is an epic fail on DBC14 part. IC10 1 DBC14 0

So what shall I play... I don't want to play a 5 test match series with Austrailia thanks. So career mode it is. I choose my player, simple enough. Although you can make your 16 year old look like a prune that's been sat at the beach all day.
I'm a bowling all-rounder so I'm pretty much in the action quite a lot.

To cut to the chase, I'm bored already. Why? We'll I've started as Hampshire which according to those god awful commentators is Ahmedabad. I've played four four day games and four pro 40 matches. As you can imagine I've bowled a lot of overs. I'd say I've go about 30 wickets so far which isn't bad. Now what is the most common dismissal in cricket? Caught behind surely. How many of my 30 wickets are caught behind? 0.

The way my bowler gets wickets is bowled and lbw. The odd catch in the deep. I mean come on. You can't bowl to plans or work a batsman over. And when you do actually bowl a batsman the stumps don't move and the bails dribble off. Every time. Rubbish. In IC10 you could work over a batsman and get him caught behind and send his off stump cartwheeling backwards. 2-0

Ok before I go into batting I want to talk quickly about Michael Carberry. For those who don't know he's a opening batsman for Hampshire. He opens the bowling with me in this game and is leading wicket taker in the county championship thus far. Nice one Big Ant.

To be fair to the game I haven't spent long enough in bat to really criticise it. What I will say is it takes minimal skill and can be done one handed. Also you can't nudge and poke you way to a score. Everything seems really aggressive. Also shots that I seem to play go elsewhere. I like the idea of unorthodox shots but you never know which once your batsman is going to play. Personally prefer IC10s method of weighted analog stick movements for weight of shot. Much more sophisticated. 3-0

My last issue with this mode is the fielding. All the fielders can throw down the stumps no matter where they are. This should be a rare event. And even when the fielder does throw the stumps down and the wicket keepers end, the wicket keeper also knocks the stumps over just to make sure. 8/10 times the bowler also knocks the bails off when the batsman is safely home. Annoying.

The only other mode I've played (apart from a T20 match with my mate that was abandoned after ten overs because we both came to the conclusion it was shocking) is online mode.

I've been quite excited about playing online mode. I tell you don't bother. It is riddled with bugs. A few incidents.
1. Slow response to running. Run then for F&@% sake.
2. I played a nice ground stroke through the covers which the fielder stopped. Got given out caught.
3. When I'm in bat the fielders are like superman. That's a four he's nowhere near it. Oh no he's right under it all of a sudden.
4. No bowling meter. Pffft.
5. Batting feels sluggish and unresponsive.
6. The fielding reminds me of a clip I saw on YouTube for Ashes 13
7. All round jerky horrible feel that reminds me of a game I played about 8 years ago.

So these are my reasons for coming to the conclusion that this is a over hyped piece of junk. The only positive thing for me is the stats. I mean you would have done well to f&@% them up. I like looking at my average and strike rate over the season. I commend that. 3-1

So I will be putting my copy on eBay to try and regain some of my loss. I'll leave you with one last comment from that dull commentator as I mistakenly put Eoin Morgan into bowl my last online over. " the batsman will have to beware this bowler has terrific pace and can really hurt you"
Lol good luck the game batter than any other cricket game ever come before
Sorry but I honeslty have no idea what you're trying to say.

Criticism is always need to balance things out. However, valid and balanced criticism is what is required.

You were clearly unaware that the majority of the issues you have identified have been discussed at length over the last week on the forum, and have also been identified by the developers as areas that will be looked at in the first/second patch.

Given the fact that you're uanware of both the fact that the issues have been discussed, and identified, would lead anyone reading your critique to believe that you are either misinformed when presenting your opinions, or simply just being harsh for the sake of trying to bait people.

A lot of the threads are positive because, funnily enough, most people on here are having a positive experience with the game. However, this hasn't stopped them from also posting issues which they think need to be looked at. For example, I thoroughly enjoy the game, but in my very first impression post identified the issues surrounding fielding.

You don't need to have a thread completely devoted to this type of thing, when you can find an entire stickied thread identifying issues and anomolies in the game. Valid criticism isn't being hidden away. You're not some lone crusader trying to warn people before buying the game. They, along with you, just need to read a little bit more.

Casanova. Thanks for the pep talk. You'll make a great captain one day.

On loading screens you see quotes from Bradman. I've seen one a few times. I'm not going to quote it exactly because I can't remember it word for word.

It says something about - how can scoring a big hundred be satisfying when you miss on a few occasions. He goes on to say something about striving for perfection.

Now I would have been naive to think that this game was perfection. But parting with ?50 I have every right to believe it would be damn near.

To many misses for me.
Casanova. Thanks for the pep talk. You'll make a great captain one day.

On loading screens you see quotes from Bradman. I've seen one a few times. I'm not going to quote it exactly because I can't remember it word for word.

It says something about - how can scoring a big hundred be satisfying when you miss on a few occasions. He goes on to say something about striving for perfection.

Now I would have been naive to think that this game was perfection. But parting with ?50 I have every right to believe it would be damn near.

To many misses for me.

So you thought it would be near perfection in the first attempt? FIFA and Madden aren't perfection, franchises that have been years and years in the making.

Rome wasn't built in a day and for a first game this is a very good attempt.
Just missed out on my first 50 with 48 (89). Felt very tense but thoroughly enjoyable, nothing wrong with the batting in Career mode just it's very hard (rather it be that than very easy).

Hobbi I think the batting is ok. I like that it's hard. I just think it's a little all or nothing.
That's correct mate and you'll find they are striving for perfection with the release of patches to fix problems with the game in nearly record breaking time.
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