The Animal Enclosure Issues Challenge

Indeed. The quicker we kick your butt, the better. There is a lot of partying to be done...
Right I've got it all sorted.

TAE team for 2nd ODI:

1. Karl0s
2. TrueBlueNavyBlues
3. MCG
4. Jisco
5. Boncer (+)
6. Grim
7. Maj
8. Peanut Head
9. Wazza
10. Falco
11. Bomberlegend
PC team for 2nd ODI:

1. tassietiger
2. PaulNixon1
3. Jaztheman
4. Simbazz
5. Feelin Blue?
6. Kshitiz_Indian (wk)
7. ZoraxDoom
8. travder92
9. treva
10. aus5892
11. Abhas

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