The Dark Knight Rises [Warning: Use spoilers tag]


National Board President
Apr 16, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Alright let's discuss it in this thread. It deserves it's own thread. Try to keep this thread spoilers free using [spoiler][/spoiler] tag.

I recommend this movie to everyone who hasn't watched it yet.
Lol, I like how no one wants to talk about it after you make the thread.
I know, right? it looks people lost interest in TDKR in literally 3 days. Quite weird how a thread about dinosaurs reaches 13 pages and then there is thread about record breaking movie with zero replies in it's first week of release.
I know, right? it looks people lost interest in TDKR in literally 3 days. Quite weird how a thread about dinosaurs reaches 13 pages and then there is thread about record breaking movie with zero replies in it's first week of release.

*which is a meaningless topic.

Might watch it when I get time, although I know nothing about Batman, so have to watch from the first film in order to understand it seems.
I want to watch it again to get more into discussion here... Its been a while since I watched it, so don't remember much from the movie.
I want to watch it again to get more into discussion here... Its been a while since I watched it, so don't remember much from the movie.

Its only been a few days since the movie came out.
Ik, but I too don't remember much and I saw it last Sunday.
Yes, need to watch it again for a better analysis and of course with subtitles because I didn't understand about half of Bane's words the first time.
Yes, need to watch it again for a better analysis and of course with subtitles because I didn't understand about half of Bane's words the first time.

Ikr, I just guessed for the most part.
Just saw it for a 2nd time, and guess what I did? Yep, picked out the plot holes like a total prick. I usually never do this, but ey, this time I did and a lot of credit must go to some of my friends who picked apart The Avengers a couple of months back, they inspired me in a way. :p

9 Logical Gripes With The Dark Knight Rises - Movieline - Contains spoilers, that means don't click it unless you've already seen the movie. ;)

This article basically has all the logical plot holes, none too reachy, logical.
Nolan always leaves up room for interpretation. There are obviously major glares like
how Bruce got back to Gotham
, but the ones that article point are mostly just being facetious in the thematic points Nolan brings up. If you look close enough, Batman Begins and the Dark Knight have similar ones all throughout them.

Personally, I liked how Nolan did it - despite a lot of similarities with the other two movies in the series. Batman was meant to be a symbol, to inspire good - and that's the legacy the movie left behind.

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