The field editor is a shambles.

The field editor is very basic tbh and could use improvements because almost all the prior games had simple controls for field settings but they all also had "custom" field settings.
I think they can easily add Custom field settings, say 10 of them and you can pre-set them and choose from those.
Also, the pre-chosen fields are sometimes very poor and I sometimes don't find the field setting I want from the presets. Changing to what I want works for a batsman but then changes for another and I have to do it all over again, each time a new batsman comes to the crease which is very annoying.

Still, you can change the fields and it does work.

For vers 1, I would say they have done a fair job and if DBC15 improves this aspect, that would be compelling improvements to warrant further purchases etc.

The Madden Football model here. Make a good base game, then start making incremental upgrades while your fans support the base game and you start growing in install base etc.

Overall, the game is quite promising for a v1 foundation.
they already have custom field settings exactly as you describe
they already have custom field settings exactly as you describe

No, they don't have a true custom field setting wherein you can save your custom field settings and just recall them in any match instead of constantly moving fielders around. That is a very poor implementation of custom field settings because it keeps wasting lots of time.
The field editor is far from user friendly. IC10's was perfect.
No, they don't have a true custom field setting wherein you can save your custom field settings and just recall them in any match instead of constantly moving fielders around. That is a very poor implementation of custom field settings because it keeps wasting lots of time.

Ummm... yes they do.

You can create fields in the cricket academy and then use them in any game mode (offline anyway, not sure about online).

Admittedly the actual tool for creating fields is very clunky and slow but that's a different discussion entirely.
Ummm... yes they do.

You can create fields in the cricket academy and then use them in any game mode (offline anyway, not sure about online).

Admittedly the actual tool for creating fields is very clunky and slow but that's a different discussion entirely.

Think he means creating custom fields in-game, or making small adjustments to pre-set fields. This is not user friendly. I really can't see how this can be argued.

Sure you can modify your fields in-game, but as soon as a new batsman comes in or you bring on a new bowler the fields are lost. And the process is very clunky. Basically the inefficiency of this process just encourages the use of pre-set fields only in-game.

Making slight field adjustments in accordance with the match situation is an integral part of the game. However the current set-up doesn't allow this to be done with any ease of use.

Also there are simple things that can be fixed. Like orientating the fielding map to the handedness of the batsman - i.e inverting it for left handers. It can be confusing or it can catch you out sometimes.

If the custom fields created in game remain selectable for the duration of the innings, or even better over innings and matches (like IC10) then that would be much better.

Simple suggestions, I mean no offence. :-)
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No, they don't have a true custom field setting wherein you can save your custom field settings and just recall them in any match instead of constantly moving fielders around. That is a very poor implementation of custom field settings because it keeps wasting lots of time.

See above

You are putting words into this others guys mouth. He is 100% wrong.

As far as your additional points go,

Agree the fact that it doesnt save in game edits is annoying.

Making small edits to preset fields however is very user friendly and easy. Just having to do so numerous times is bad design.

I thought the field did orientate itself to the batter .. Which was why I found it confusing sometimes. Could be clearer with what its doing

The in game editor is considerably better than the academy editor with the major exception being no saves. Its like 2 totally separate people designed those and never got together to share ideas.
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All the above being said, it has been said that the next patch coming out will allow you to specify if the fielding selection made or modified should be carried over to all batsman and/or all bowlers.
All the above being said, it has been said that the next patch coming out will allow you to specify if the fielding selection made or modified should be carried over to all batsman and/or all bowlers.


That would be sweet.

Also - has any been able to initiate a batting or bowling powerplay during a one day match? If so, how? Probably a stoopid question
Making small edits to preset fields however is very user friendly and easy. Just having to do so numerous times is bad design.

I'm not sure its that user friendly. Drag and drop would work better - like done in previous games, instead of scrolling through everyone. Just my opinion.
I'm not sure its that user friendly. Drag and drop would work better - like done in previous games, instead of scrolling through everyone. Just my opinion.

Someone already made the point that trying to do so with a controller using the joysticks would be very fidgity, especially when trying to select a particular slips position. I agree, the list way doesn't work very well, especially as it doesn't follow any sort of visual sequence on the pitch map (I don't know the position names well enough to know what to look for, I just use the map).

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