The field editor is a shambles.

Someone already made the point that trying to do so with a controller using the joysticks would be very fidgity, especially when trying to select a particular slips position. I agree, the list way doesn't work very well, especially as it doesn't follow any sort of visual sequence on the pitch map (I don't know the position names well enough to know what to look for, I just use the map).

Cricket 97 and IC10 (from what I remember) did it well where positions were designated into 'zones'. hover the pointer anywhere over the zone and click to pick was perfect.
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I'm not sure its that user friendly. Drag and drop would work better - like done in previous games, instead of scrolling through everyone. Just my opinion.

I dont agree. You dont scroll through everyone you scroll through only each of the wedges selected.

However if you could move the highlight up and down/left and right instead of just scroll it would be pretty much perfect. (the selection part not the whole thing)
I dont agree. You dont scroll through everyone you scroll through only each of the wedges selected.

However if you could move the highlight up and down/left and right instead of just scroll it would be pretty much perfect. (the selection part not the whole thing)

Interestingly went back to the PC version of the Cricket Academy and found to my surprise you are able to edit the default fields.

I hope this can be extended to sharing fields for console use?
We've noted for a while on our end that the field editor and system for selecting positions could do with some tweaking for the console side of things.

Our main problem came from having to come up with a system that worked with a mouse (as we had the CA out for so long) as well as with a controller. Many systems were trialled.

We are looking at all games and ideas of how to improve it for the future, so if you do have them, then we are happy to hear.
We've noted for a while on our end that the field editor and system for selecting positions could do with some tweaking for the console side of things.

Our main problem came from having to come up with a system that worked with a mouse (as we had the CA out for so long) as well as with a controller. Many systems were trialled.

We are looking at all games and ideas of how to improve it for the future, so if you do have them, then we are happy to hear.

What about just replicating Ashes Cricket 09, IC 10's system. Its perfect.
I'm finding it difficult to understand the field setting editor. One thing is for won't let me have a no slips but third man and two gullys set up.
I'm finding it difficult to understand the field setting editor. One thing is for won't let me have a no slips but third man and two gullys set up.
you mean something like this?
cricket14 2014-08-09 20-44-35-965.jpg
Here is the idea that can help you to ease up setting up field without the need of a 'Mouse' in the system.

Instead of all the field placements in a list random, you can simple make list view boxes, somewhat the way Windows Xp used in Start Menu. You can arrange the the field placements separately for depth and the zone. Example include:

First 4 lists:
. Leg
. Off
. Straight
. Back
Note: Straight and Back can easily be covered with Leg and Off. However, in this system, same placement would be be available in multiple lists for easier access.

Each will open another list with placements, such as:
. Silly (can also add slips in this)
. Close
. Mid
. Deep

Each of these will open another list like (Example chosen for Off > Mid ):
. Mid off
. Cover
. Point

Now you can arrange these lists based on the possibilities of your graphical interface. As mentioned, in this system, some field placement would be available for accessing from multiple lists. And people will use them to reach the desired field based on their preferences. For example, Mid-off and long-off can be available to both, straight and Off.

I hope you understand what do I mean. You don't need a mouse cursor for this. People can simple move down/up and then right/left for selecting the placement they need.

I hope it helps.
Here is the idea that can help you to ease up setting up field without the need of a 'Mouse' in the system.

Instead of all the field placements in a list random, you can simple make list view boxes, somewhat the way Windows Xp used in Start Menu. You can arrange the the field placements separately for depth and the zone. Example include:

First 4 lists:
. Leg
. Off
. Straight
. Back
Note: Straight and Back can easily be covered with Leg and Off. However, in this system, same placement would be be available in multiple lists for easier access.

Each will open another list with placements, such as:
. Silly (can also add slips in this)
. Close
. Mid
. Deep

Each of these will open another list like (Example chosen for Off > Mid ):
. Mid off
. Cover
. Point

Now you can arrange these lists based on the possibilities of your graphical interface. As mentioned, in this system, some field placement would be available for accessing from multiple lists. And people will use them to reach the desired field based on their preferences. For example, Mid-off and long-off can be available to both, straight and Off.

I hope you understand what do I mean. You don't need a mouse cursor for this. People can simple move down/up and then right/left for selecting the placement they need.

I hope it helps.

How is this system better? It almost feels like Inception where you have a list within a list. Essentially you keep on digging in multiple layers instead of having an accessible option. AC09 had a nice field editor and system to change field settings and maybe DBC 14 can incorporate the same. You could change or set fields within seconds online on AC09 and it was one of the better features the game had.
How is this system better? It almost feels like Inception where you have a list within a list. Essentially you keep on digging in multiple layers instead of having an accessible option. AC09 had a nice field editor and system to change field settings and maybe DBC 14 can incorporate the same. You could change or set fields within seconds online on AC09 and it was one of the better features the game had.

No doubt AC09 is an option. I just proposed an alternative, if that can help. We had been having this style of mechanism in Windows, and it was very easy to reach and select the link we needed. If the system of AC09 is too difficult to implement, then making a hierarchy can also be an option. Just that. Not saying that it's superior, but just another option. Obviously, the idea can be tweaked further. ;)

I hope it helps.
I'm not sure which game it was, but I liked it where the editor was done in zones. Maybe AC09? That was good. The lists just seem a bit to random.

On a similar point, why can I not select my created fields for an FC match, in limited overs? I think I must have done something wrong when creating them.
The game hides the ones that don't meet the field restrictions.

Cheers Matt. That makes sense now! Wish it didn't though, as so many times I get fields set me without mid on's or a Mid off.

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