School Cricketer
nice jokes here
I have one
There was a student who was about to graduate from secondary school but he had to share room with his younger brother who was still in grade 9
He wanted to have fun as much as he could cause he wouldn't return to school
so one day he brought his girlfriend home to have some fun
the bed him and his brother were sharing was double so him and his girl went on top and his brother was sleeping on the bottom one.
he told the girl to shout lettuce when she wants hard and tomato when she wants new position
pull it out, pull it out!! i cant become pregnant
guy's brother wakes up and screams "Can you guys stop making sandwiches
up there. You are throwing mustard all over my face."

I have one
There was a student who was about to graduate from secondary school but he had to share room with his younger brother who was still in grade 9
He wanted to have fun as much as he could cause he wouldn't return to school
so one day he brought his girlfriend home to have some fun
the bed him and his brother were sharing was double so him and his girl went on top and his brother was sleeping on the bottom one.
he told the girl to shout lettuce when she wants hard and tomato when she wants new position
pull it out, pull it out!! i cant become pregnant
guy's brother wakes up and screams "Can you guys stop making sandwiches
up there. You are throwing mustard all over my face."