The Planetcricket Arms - the friendly drinking thread (TFFSL welcome)

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So PC guys give each other French lessons. I hope you use French letters when so doing.
I get it. You guys are just having a post ironic look at the scene in Life of Brian when Brian is caught painting graffiti and the Roman soldiers make him correct his grammar.
Great scene from a masterpiece of a movie.
In Year 12 we watched as a year level in the school theatre. Unfortunatly, most of the ungreatful sods didn't understand it or didnt think it was funny. 'Funny' to them is the tripe out at the moment.

I feel sorry for the world really. We have no hope.
As much as you're supposed to be the enemy, I'm with you. The more this world tends towards romantic comedies starring the likes of Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore the more I tend to understand why suicide rates are as high as they are. The nerve those Hollywood writers must have, to call a strike. A strike from what? Writing stories where a bumbling man with a wife that doesn't satisfy him finds a woman that is much better, but eventually finds out that true happiness lies with his original wife, but the audience has to wait on the edge of their seat because he may have realised that it was the new woman that was the whore that was just in it for the money too late? (as obviously his original wife had found out about their relationship and they broke up because of it) It irritates me. I just wish, for once, there would be a story where one of the main characters gets shot by some unknown stranger, and that resolves the tension between them as one of them is dead, rather then them having to talk through their issues and make lame jokes to win each other back over.
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Spot on there my wombat arse faced friend. Spot on.
And on top of that, Tom Hanks, you are Forrest Gump. Unless there is a Forrest Gump 2 in the works, you should not be acting. Stop doing it.
So PC guys give each other French lessons. I hope you use French letters when so doing.
I get it. You guys are just having a post ironic look at the scene in Life of Brian when Brian is caught painting graffiti and the Roman soldiers make him correct his grammar.
You are overanalyzing the situation. Just like you overanalyze it when you fail while batting when the reasoning is pretty simple--you suck at cricket.
You are overanalyzing the situation. Just like you overanalyze it when you fail while batting when the reasoning is pretty simple--you suck at cricket.
I can't help but be worried about you blokes going French on each other. And don't worry about my cricket. It is unbeliveably good. Haven't had a complaint yet.

I just wish, for once, there would be a story where one of the main characters gets shot by some unknown stranger, and that resolves the tension between them as one of them is dead, rather then them having to talk through their issues and make lame jokes to win each other back over.

Damn, there goes my development script I was going to pitch for some sort of funding from the Guvmint fillum money launderers. Guess its back to pimpin' my ho's. Or is that ho'in' my pimps?
Little bit of both would be good, Therbs. Send em my way.
And on top of that, Tom Hanks, you are Forrest Gump. Unless there is a Forrest Gump 2 in the works, you should not be acting. Stop doing it.

I liked Tom Hanks a lot more before Forrest Gump when he was a comedy actor in movies like Dragnet and The Money Pit
He's a better eater (not in the health food meaning of better though)
Trim Hawkins to make impact

February 09, 2008 TOM Hawkins has a confession: In times of stress, he turned to burgers and fries. As he tackled VCE and his first season at Geelong last year, Hawkins too often found comfort in the local McDonald's restaurant.
"I was studying a bit and treating myself at Maccas," Hawkins said.

When he wasn't being lured to the golden arches, Hawkins was loading up in the dining room of his well-meaning host family.

"They gave us everything we wanted," he said.

He played at 105kg last season and despite moments of brilliance, he struggled to keep up.

"Last year, I'd make one or two leads and be buggered," Hawkins said.

But a week away from his first NAB Cup hitout of this season, Geelong fans will be delighted to know he has lost his puppy fat.

As teammate and mentor Cameron Mooney said this week:

"He looks like a real footballer at the moment. He's training the house down."

Hawkins, 19, has shed 4kg and weighs in at 101kg. Junk food and over-loaded plates at home are in the past.

"I'm just watching what I eat. Not eating as much food," Hawkins said.

"This year, I'm living with (teammate) Simon Hogan. Not too much cooking gets done between us and it's smaller meals now."

Hawkins has taken on extra cross-training sessions, raised the intensity on the rowing machine and grinder and taken up walking.

There is none of the arm-pumping power-walking, but Hawkins slips the earphones in and hits the beach or streets.

"If I eat too much or the wrong stuff, I tend to go for a walk," he said.

"Losing the first couple of kilos was easy, but it's kind of hard now trying to lose that extra kilo."

The hype surrounding Hawkins is enormous. Although adamant he doesn't take note of outside influences, being dubbed "Tomahawk" has taken a bit of getting used to.

"I don't mind it, but I'm not a real big fan of it," Hawkins said.

"I get a bit of heat from my mates about it. It's not too bad."

With Nathan Ablett retired and a spot in the forward line there for the taking, the buzz about the "Tomahawk" will only grow.

The bookies have Hawkins favourite to win the Rising Star award in his second season.

After nine games last year, he appears a walk-up start to become a regular senior player.

Mooney, who has worked closely with the forward prospect over summer, can see Hawkins stepping straight into Ablett's role.

"At the moment, yes, we need him . . . we'll give him every opportunity to play there," Mooney said.

"He doesn't have to do too much. Just has to be out there and give a bit of help to the other guys. The rest of us will look after him."

Geelong captain Tom Harley said Hawkins had been a "standout performer" during pre-season.

"Physically, he looks amazing," Harley said.

"Without saying too much about him, he's going to have more of a presence than he did last year, for sure."

Hawkins said he felt considerably fitter after a full pre-season.

"This year I'll be able to make a few more leads and not be as tired . . . be able to run out a game a bit better as they say," he said.

As shocked as he was by Ablett's decision, Hawkins was backing himself to push for a spot anyway.

"I thought he (Ablett) had really started to enjoy his footy. He looked as though he was having fun," he said.

"It's sad to see someone go like that. He's a great fella, Nath.

"It has opened the door a bit more for me. It does probably make it a bit easier . . . (but) whether Nathan was here or not, I'd still be trying to get in.

"I'd like to play at centre half-forward or full-forward."

Hawkins kicked four goals in a half in his second game against Melbourne in Round 3 last year. It came after three goals on debut.

He won a Rising Star nomination and was installed as favourite for the award.

Almost a year on, Hawkins looks back on it as an overwhelming time.

"It was a big week really. A big couple of weeks," Hawkins said.

The week after the explosive performance against the Demons, Hawkins put in a fizzer.

"The next (round) we played Hawthorn and I got four touches and was shocking. Then you're low for the next week," Hawkins said.

"It was a big thrill, the first two games, but another thing I am trying to work on this year is consistency."
Getting a bit off topic from the actual matter on hand now, that TFFSL is better than PC.

Just thought I'd remind you guys again in case you'd forgotten.
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