The Release Date Thread, where all Release Date posts must go

Seriously wtf?
To sum it up well it’s a load of nonsense or just talking shit in otherwords that comes out of not much happening on the threads.

Are you joining Dave and Biggs in this war of words because I thought two against one was a compliment.
last time it was supposed to be before Xmas and ended up delayed, and still needed patches after release

Was it delayed? I don't remember... Also (again) most games are patched after release, this isn't a "mistake" it's good customer service.
My reading of the situation was that the release of AC13 may have changed the release schedule for DBC14; although I don't know whether it was ever a Christmas 2013 launch. Remember, it did need a fair few patches to fix a few relatively big issues (issues that, admittedly, were present or worse in every other Cricket game), I can only assume that unless it had sat at Gold for months (unlikely) they fixed a fair few problems in that five month period.

I'll probably be jumping on the PC train when it releases for it since I actually have a half-decent PC that'd run the game - although I'll probably not play it as much as most others on the forum just because I'm usually playing a bunch of random stuff at any one time (I can't see myself stopping iracing any time soon, recently I've been playing a shit load of Elite Dangerous and incredibly old Star Wars space sims because I'm a total nerd: I'll probably move on to something else soon) - I've not actually played DBC14 for a fair few months - that doesn't mean that you can start sending me Steam messages at 3am, I won't name the person that has been doing that but it gets incredibly annoying and probably not something that you should do to an admin on what is apparently the official forum of DBC17... Although I'm always up to smashing @Biggs around for a few overs...
To sum it up well it’s a load of nonsense or just talking shit in otherwords that comes out of not much happening on the threads.

Are you joining Dave and Biggs in this war of words because I thought two against one was a compliment.

im not joining anyone. im just sick of the BS filling up these forums.
Unfortunately Star Wars has been ruined. The Phantom Menace was even better than the Force Awakens I was really disappointed with this new one.

Well yes true and a sensible way of looking at it. Egos and personalities can clash and people can write bad posts just the way it is here at times.
Unfortunately Star Wars has been ruined. The Phantom Menace was even better than the Force Awakens I was really disappointed with this new one.

that is a wrong opinion and almost banable
Although I'm always up to smashing @Biggs around for a few overs

Geez, you declare on 60/0 in a Six4Six match and all of a sudden a win by D/L gets posted in TWO threads. Well played, you drunken cliche scotsman...
I actually posted that before our game; it was hindsight!
Luck of the Irish.
Was it delayed? I don't remember... Also (again) most games are patched after release, this isn't a "mistake" it's good customer service.
Don't get me wrong Biggs I'm a big fan of the game and have rekindled my fondness of DBC since I got the xbone.
to be honest it was more a (let's not get our hopes up) prediction. Also again I'm grateful for the continued support BA have given and especially with the fixes and additional content. However, there were things in the original release that were in desperate need of patching and if I remember there was a long wait between patches that had fundamentally ruined the experience for some. These "mistakes" though fixed eventually and, gratefully received cannot be replicated again.
if I remember there was a long wait between patches that had fundamentally ruined the experience for some.

Any delays were platform/console based not any fault of Big Ants. The PC version was patched almost daily, usually weekly and play-tested by this community for months, each one being rolled out as improvements were made. Any delays are again, no fault of Big Ants and a symptom of them trying to get the absolute best version of the game out for us all.
I pointed out things I remember. However it was big ants decision to hold back on release when ashes cricket was releasing. Whether it was BA or tru blu to blame i dont know. The lack of play testing that led to some of the original issues was definitely poor form, I have faith that with lessons learnt and Mattw involved, we won't have those issues this time.
The Ashes situation was again, totally no fault of Big Ant. I'm lost as to what your point is, it's like you're disagreeing with yourself now?
Any delays were platform/console based not any fault of Big Ants. The PC version was patched almost daily, usually weekly and play-tested by this community for months, each one being rolled out as improvements were made. Any delays are again, no fault of Big Ants and a symptom of them trying to get the absolute best version of the game out for us all.

to be fair, that's not quite right. there was a flurry of pc updates, a very long break with nothing, and then the final flurry. this is not a criticism, by the way - they more than met their obligations/promises to patch and the amount of improvements given for free was sensational.

i think AJ's point - which I agree with in part - was that there was a lot of delays in the last one: from summer 2013 (hinted at but not confirmed if I recall, though Ross did later confirm that was the initial intention), to definitely 2013, to spring 2014. Now the Ashes feganigans obviously contributed a whole heap-load to that, but equally if we assume some work was done on the game between summer 2013 and spring 2014, and yet the game was still released with pretty glaring issues in 2014 requiring almost immediate patching (and kudos to them for fixing the superman in the covers issues so quickly cuz they were killing the game!) then the game may have been unreleasable summer 2013 even without the AC13 debacle. (I am not saying it was, but that it might be - only BA now the state of the code at that time and waht work was done between then and release, and Ross was adamant the game was finished and releasable certainly in autumn/winter 2013 which we've no cause to doubt.)

that being so, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that just the nature of the SDLC might push the date beyond 2016, and better to consider that possibility now than throw a shit fit later, hence his "prediction" of 2017.

I would be very surprised however if they don't make the Q4 prediction and i'd be surprised if it's later (or much earlier) than early Dec to hit the Christmas peak.

The other thing I recall from the last one, however is this: it'll release when it'll release, and anybody can find some "logic" or compelling reason why date x, y or z is the best date, and it don't mean a damn thing.

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