The Release Date Thread, where all Release Date posts must go

I think it will be the ninetheenth moon node in the year of the mongoose with a special guest appearance by Mogul Lumpsack on a live stream from somewhere north of the Crab Nebula.....or am I mixing that up with the day I might actually kiss a real woman....

Are you on drugs?
Friday the 2nd of December 2016
There's no big cricket around that time, so more likely to come down to avoiding the other big sports video games a little... I reckon late November. [HASHTAG]#speculamation[/HASHTAG]
There's no big cricket around that time, so more likely to come down to avoiding the other big sports video games a little... I reckon late November. [HASHTAG]#speculamation[/HASHTAG]
Win Predictor = 83%
I am going with 2 dates. Beginning July (maybe the 5th) for the new Academy and 25 November 2016 for the release date.
28th nov 2016
24th November 2016
Are you on drugs?

Post of the year.

we haven't seen @Ross's blessings to this forum

You don't see @Ross you just have to have faith that he exists.

I reckon late November. #speculamation

That's the kinda quality speculamation that this thread demanded. I picked my date based on how nice it looks... and also there's a fairly large South Africa tour of Australia going on at that time, being a major ODI series felt about right, but end of November also makes sense given Christmas shopping, Boxing Day Test and so on...

I am going with 2 dates. one spare for @Dutch?
"That's the kinda quality speculamation that this thread demanded. I picked my date based on how nice it looks... and also there's a fairly large South Africa tour of Australia going on at that time, being a major ODI series felt about right, but end of November also makes sense given Christmas shopping, Boxing Day Test and so on..."

The wildcard in there is Thanksgiving, which traditionally is the last big release window of the year... That's very late November this year, so maybe I go early December instead.
True, but given that's traditionally the AAA titles would they want to keep out of that cacophony being a fairly small niche sports title?

Here's another question: Dual Release or Console Specific?

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