Colin - your repetitive style of pushing me into mafia category( like 'now someone ask for timeline extend to prove as town', 'how can be clarice be town if she lives with Hannibal in sequel' etc ) is getting you nowhere. This is typical mafia behavior and I can sense it well because its the same gameplay I did against Don in last game. You look mafia in all ways, even if I try to put Sulaiman/Zuhorb as mafia combo, I am not able to get evidence like you have built it for yourself.
More highly selective posting (as well as incorrect and out-of-context para-phrasing). In my last several posts I have said that you could be mafia and we should be aware of that but there is also the possibility that you're a townie playing badly and I want to focus on other people for now instead.
The governor will probably a fake-claim, because of my theory earlier.
Link please.
PS and Don are very clear in my books here. Would agree with Don on no separate need of doctor here as Lecter is always supporting Clarice in theme from start to end.
Once again you're happy to clear someone based on nothing who themself admits they have to be a suspect because of their character and role.
I repeat you're either mafia or a very bad town player. Either way you're not helping us at present.
'If Hannibal is investigated I will get to know the name of the killer' - this one It is hard to accept as, even me(as a cop) will get only a clue on Bill that I am supposed to solve it & should not discuss/reveal directly( on what clue I got ) here but I can hint indirectly and lynch him after solving the clue. So you stating that you would get the direct name of Bill is hard to believe.
Both of you are claiming that if Hannibal is investigated you will get the clue/name of Bill? That is very strong "don't kill me because" play.
Also why is it Suren that your role seems to overlap both Yash's (cop) and Zhuorb's claimed one (get info on Bill)?
Something not right here.