The 'Space' Thread


International Coach
Jul 14, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Since i was little ive been so intrigued about life other than on Earth. A couple of weekends ago me and some mates went camping up the mountain and slept under the stars. It was unbelievable how many there are. They rekon one earth like planet may exist on average per star. So that accounts for billions of earth-like planets! So really there has to be life out there!.

Its an interesting debate, keep it civil and respect others if i might add.

Some may say you cant create life from 'nothing'. Well infact, you can. I'd explain now but it'd take to long.

So what do you guys think, are we alone?
Stoner who lives down the road from me said:

"Dude...theres like...other...types of things...out there...You just have to think...dude..."


...Seriously, wouldn't have a clue. No evidence as of yet, but I would have to think there has to be SOMETHING out there.
To what extent is a better question. They still think other life is living in our very own solar system. The likely places are bacteria under the icy surfaces on Saturns moons (under the surface is just a massive sea).
Topics like these always seem to end with the odd argument and nothing at all being solved. An answer to this specicfic question might not be found for years and years and maybe never.

Personally, l really have no idea. It would be extremely interesting to know but at the current time we don't have a clue.
How about a "What planet were you born on" thread

How about a "spam thread". You'd like that..

Anyway heres an interesting space fact. Some of the noise you here when ajusting your radio is actually the universe forming (the big bang)
How about a "spam thread". You'd like that..

Anyway heres an interesting space fact. Some of the noise you here when ajusting your radio is actually the universe forming (the big bang)
Stevo..I think you've read into this too much..
Stevo..I think you've read into this too much..

haha, i find it interesting. If you met me you definetly wouldn't pick it!

I see you want another fact? The moon is moving further away from the Earth 3cms a year ;)
How about a "spam thread". You'd like that..

Anyway heres an interesting space fact. Some of the noise you here when ajusting your radio is actually the universe forming (the big bang)

Don't get it. I thought the big bang was billions of years ago. Or is it the sound of the universe expanding?

haha, i find it interesting. If you met me you definetly wouldn't pick it!

I see you want another fact? The moon is moving further away from the Earth 3cms a year ;)

Can you tell me that earth is moving away further from the sun each year? That way, we don't have to worry about global warming.
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How about a "spam thread". You'd like that..

Anyway heres an interesting space fact. Some of the noise you here when ajusting your radio is actually the universe forming (the big bang)

Now thats something i did not know. Amazing good find Stevo brilliant.
Don't get it. I thought the big bang was billions of years ago. Or is it the sound of the universe expanding?

Can you tell me that earth is moving away further from the sun each year? That way, we don't have to worry about global warming.

Well the big bang was a huge burst of light making a unthinkable sight. And that light still travels through space to this day! And thats what your radio picks up when changing stations (frequency)

And the Earth is moving very very slowly away from the Sun. This happens for two reasons. The first is that the Sun is constantly losing mass because of the solar winds. As the mass of the Sun decreases its pull on the Earth decreases and so the Earth moves slightly further away.

The second reason is to do with tidal forces. In exactly the same way that the Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth
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Well the big bang was a huge burst of light making a unthinkable sight. And that light still travels through space to this day! And thats what your radio picks up when changing stations (frequency)

And the Earth is moving very very slowly away from the Sun. This happens for two reasons. The first is that the Sun is constantly losing mass because of the solar winds. As the mass of the Sun decreases its pull on the Earth decreases and so the Earth moves slightly further away.

The second reason is to do with tidal forces. In exactly the same way that the Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth

Probably too slow to stop global warning then.
Alongside the radio thing, the black and white thing you see when the TV isnt finding channels is stored radiation dating back to the Big Bang.

Also, because of the time that it takes for light to travel, someone on another planet could now be watching the 1980 world cup final for example.
Alongside the radio thing, the black and white thing you see when the TV isnt finding channels is stored radiation dating back to the Big Bang.

Also, because of the time that it takes for light to travel, someone on another planet could now be watching the 1980 world cup final for example.

All the static?

I wanna start a time travel thread, but should it just go in this thread?

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