Story The Tasmanian Green to the Baggy Green? [UPDATED!! - Greetings from Warwickshire!]

As much as it looks like this story is over, it isn't!! I've simply just had an amazing lack of interest in cricket recently with the footy season starting up. The holidays have just started and I will find myself bored a lot so I should update this. The next update will be very undetailed though because I remember I had started the next match but I don't remember the details of what happened so just use your imagination. :D
Meanwhile at the Tasmanian Headquarters deep under a cave in central Iraq...

"Dave, I've g-"
"Since when did I say you could address me by my first name? It's Mr Albachinahuker to you."
"Oh um Mr Albitchinahooker. I'm not really sure on how to pronounce it sorry sir"
"Nevermind" Dave said shaking his head. "So, whats the news?"
"Our new signing, Matt. I'm not so sure on this."
"What! This can't be right! He's from Sydney. I thought having a player from Sydney would make people think that Tasmania was a little inbred!"
"Well yes, so did I."
"Sorry sir."
"Well, come on, show me what the problem is."
"I've heard two people talking to each other, and it doesn't sound good. Here, read this sir:"

Bull crap, everything needs to be blamed on Matt :p shocking performance mate, you needed to do a hell of a lot better haha

Drop Matt!!!! :p He obviouly is not good enough for state cricket ;)

Get shot by a terrorist

"Heavy criticism, death threats, and spelling errors. These people mean business."
"Yes I know sir. This Highlander person, or Tom as he calls himself"
"STOP! We will not refer to these inbred supporters as their first name! You know that... It's inhumane."
"Yes Sir. Well Highlander clearly means what he says. His woeful grammar followed by a death threat really is worrying."
"This Matt kid is only trouble...."
"Yes sir. He is. Just look at this graph:


"Yes sir, it's hard to argue with the facts."
"Have you got an idea of how it would look after next year?"
"Indeed we do. After studying that graph I think it's fair to say it would look something like this at the end of next year:


"Hmm yes I would have to agree. It sounds fair."
"So what do you want me to do sir?"
"Do what you have to do. Remember Jenkins, what happens in a deep cave in Iraq, stays in a deep cave in Iraq."

Jenkins nodded, and left the cave.
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I never knew that Tasmania Headquarters was based somewhere under ground in Iraq :eek: that;s just a surprise in it'self.

interesting update, can't wait to see what happens next matt (i mean Feelinblue?)
"Yes Sir. Well Highlander clearly means what he says. His woeful grammar followed by a death threat really is worrying."
"This Matt kid is only trouble...."

:rtfl :laugh lol..

Interesting chat and prediction. It should be interesting to see how the story goes on from here :) Looking forward to it!
Steve Jenkins walked out of the room inside the cave. The room was very dark, with dim light coming from a light bulb hanging off the top of the roof. The cave was big but only had a desk and a few chairs in there. The extra space just faded off into the darkness. As Steve left the cave u turned left and followed a long, bendy underground tunnel. the tunnel was about 200m long. His only light supply was a torch and he had to pray it didn't run out of batteries. There were spiders and many other bugs crawling around the cave, the light the only thing keeping them away. Steve was nervous. He didn't have a plan, he didn't know what Dave meant when he said "do what you have to do". Steve had powers though, he knew people. He was an authority figure. His company had a lot of money.

Finally Steve came out of the tunnel and was greeted with heavy sunlight blaring down on his face. He flinched and turned away. His eyes weren't accustomed to the summer sun. As his eyes adjusted to the light he started making his way down a long track with descended to the bottom of the mountain there headquarters was based at. Every time he had to walk up or down the long hill he thought how ridiculous it was. A headquarters halfway up a mountain in the middle of Iraq. He shuddered. He didn't like Iraq despite the fact his company was a largely successful one and he was known and liked by many locals deep down he knew he didn't fit in. He was tall with short blond hair. He had a long face with big blue eyes. He looked nothing like the locals.

When Steve reached the bottom of the mountain he took a minute to get his breathe back. He looked around and saw a few guns fire. He guessed they got them from his market down south a little. Probably his mates Almah and Twamaja shooting them in fact. They said they had something planned today. He could tell it was something odd by the way they smiled. Steve made his way to the highway which was 1 mile east where he would meet up with Almah and Twamaja who would drive him to the airport. He called them when he was making his way down the mountain. He made sure they knew it was urgent. They weren't going to go off the highway though, they were scared off the area around this mountain. It was habited by rival gangs. Steve wasn't worried though. He supplied these people behind Almah and Twamaja. In fact Steve had markets all over Iraq - He supplied almost every gang with their weapons. Steve was annoyed they wouldn't come to the mountain. It was 32 degrees Celsius and the last thing he wanted to do was walk 1 mile across virtual desert.

After 25 minutes, he reached the highway and sure enough 2 minutes later Almah and Twamaja showed up.

"Steve! How is it going?"
"Good thanks mate. Can we get to the airport as soon as possible please?"
"Oh, sounds urgent"
"It is."

Deep down Steve knew it wasn't, but the quicker he got the job done the less he got yelled at. He still wasn't sure what he was going to do though. The Tasmanian board loved him. He needed to take drastic measures. He thought for a moment but it didn't take him long to decide.

"How would you boys like to come to Tasmania?" Steve asked smiling evilly.
Almah and Twamaja smiled back. They had a feeling something bad was about to go down. And they wanted to be a part of it.


"Good evening boys. My name is Steven Jenkins"
"Yes, we know. How could we not know the name of Jenkins?"
"Yes yes I know."
"So why have you come all the way to Tasmania to see us?"
"Well Boony, I need you boys to do me a favour. Being the selectors and all, you have the power."
"Go on..."
"Sack Coll."
"Why!? He's done well so far."
"The fans don't like him too much."
"Who cares!? It's about how the team performs!!"

Steve didn't want to come to this, but he had too.

"Look, the truth is, your a bunch of inbreds."
"Piss off!!"
"It's true. Our job at the Tasmanian headquarters is to make the club look less inbred."
"Get out of our office Jenkins!"
"Fine. I didn't want to do this but it seems I must. Almah! Twamaja!"

Almah and Twamaja came storming in with masks and machine guns.

"These 2 are Iraqi terrorists. They've killed more people then you have on COD."
"Sh1t. I've killed over 10,000."
"So have they... But in real life"
"Hey I've got 15,000 on COD. Whats your gamertag?" Almah asked.
"Not know Almah!!! Now Boony, what do you say?"
"It's David_Boo-"
"I'm not so sure...."
"I'm powerful. I have lots of money. How much do you want? 1 mil? 2 mil?"
"Wait wait. Are we really inbreds?"
"Sh1t that's rough. I'll take 2 mil thanks and Coll is gone."

"It's a pleasure doing business with you."
I never realised whats a harsh place Bellerive Oval is. I'll have a look for this cave when I go there next :P
You got your business done :eek: lol, I pity that Boon. :D I am very interested to see where this story line goes :) Keep it up :clap
Wow, I feel like i'm lost in that cave at the moment without a torch! What a great update, They better not sack coll or Tassie will regrett it!

vs WA Pura Cup
"These two are going fine, maybe I won't be in for a while"
"Yeah they're just starting to settle well"

It was nearing 12 and me and Dan Marsh were sitting on the balcony watching Divo and Bevan take the match back to Tas. We lost Birt and Cox early (For 6 and 10 respectively) and found ourselves 2/30. I was feeling nervous at that time being the next man in but Divo and Bev have settled my nerves a fair bit. The partnership was going well and they brought up the 50.

The sun was blaring and there was a small murmur across the ground, it was a beautiful day for cricket. I was looking forward to going out to bat but at the same time a little nervous. I had my pads on and was reading the paper when Boony came up and gave me a tap on the shoulder.

"Can you come with me for a second mate?"

"Are you serious? I'm in next."
"Yeah this shouldn't take long. I guess if they lose a wicket this ball Marshy will have to go in."

This was odd. I was next in and Boony was dragging me away? Did something happen to my family? What was the matter? This was really weird, but I obediently follow him into an empty room.

"Whats up?
"The Tasmanian head quarters sent someone by the name of Steve Jenkins from Iraq an-"
"Hah, real funny Boony. I don't see what the point of this was. Can I go back now?"
"Mate, I'm not joking. They want me to drop you."
"What the f^%k Boony, is this meant to be funny?
"Well then it reached its purpose."

I went to walk off, I was feeling really annoyed at this point. Why would he drag me away when I'm next in to do something so stupid. It broke my concentration. I wasn't happy. But Boony grabbed my by the shoulder.

"Mate, I'm not joking. This club is corrupt. They offered my 2mil to drop you immediately, and well, I accepted. I couldn't decline. They don't want you at the club."
"I'm sorry son. You've got to go... Steve, come in mate"

Right then a tall blonde man came in, I presumed this was Steve Jenkins. He was followed by two Iraq looking men with guns.

"... da f%ck."

"Hi Matt. I'm Steve Jenkins. The Tasmanian headquarters have sent me. You have to leave the club. If the press asks, we couldn't afford you on our budget. Here's $500,000."
"... da f%ck."
"Go. Now."

The two Iraq men started advancing with their machine guns.

"F%cking crazy inbreds."

My final words at Tasmanian Cricket Club.
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