Couple of questions for the beta testers (thanks for all your efforts btw!)
Firstly, interested if there was any discussion about the spacing between slip fielders? At the moment they do seem a bit bunched up in the sense that given the their diving range, they at times go over and across the next slip to complete a catch (essentially rendering the need for the additional slip redundant). Thinking that the current first slip should be at 1.5 slips, the current second slip should be at 3 etc...thoughts?
Secondly, any discussion on the animations/physics around the defensive shot? At the moment, every defensive shot is a perfect dead bat where the ball stops on the pitch, whereas in real life defensive shots (especially when they are played late) tend to zip or ping off the bat and reach the 30 yrd circle. Second, it seems that the ball speed seems to slow down whenever the defensive shot animation is other words, Starc bowling at 160k but when the batsman plays forward defensive the whole animation with bat and ball gives the impression that the movement has been slowed down just before the point of impact. Sort of lose a bit of satisfaction playing a solid defensive shot when that happens
Just nitpicking on minor things I know - the game is absolutely brilliant and everyone involved should be proud!