FTP: Transfers

How do you know that he's not close to popping. I'm seen bits and pieces of how you could potentially work it out on the FTP forum but it's still pretty unclear.
Just had another look at he's probably actually pretty close to a pop.

He's got similar things to this guy of mine:

Chewie CC >> Nigel Clarke >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 38,138 rating | $8,001 wage
Left hand batsman | Right arm Fast
Talents Gifted (Power), Opener
Nationality West Indies
Form capable
Fatigue energetic
Experience average
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler expert
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder ordinary
Batting dreadful Endurance capable
Bowling outstanding Technique outstanding
Keeping atrocious Power reliable
Fielding dreadful

who I am pretty positive is nearly popping.
Well I wouldn't say he's not close to popping, lol. He hasn't had a bowling pop since joining my club (about 4 months ago).

You can buy him when he pops in bowling if you want? (He's been on bowling training for ages)
My senior academy's probably better than yours... I'm only willing to go 300k on him though so Iridium can have him
Yeah, but unless it is about full, there is really no difference. My youth academy would be a lot better, I'm pretty sure though :p
Well I just bought this guy for 152250. Not too bad I thought.

Chewie CC >> Chis De Burgh >> Details
Player Info
26 years old | 45,436 rating | $12,188 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Boundary Hitter
Nationality Bermuda
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler ordinary
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder average
Batting spectacular Endurance reliable
Bowling poor Technique outstanding
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding average
I just realized that almost everyone in my senior team needs a rest. Thats why match rating slumped to 119K from 152K in last few weeks. I replaced every batsman but then found out that i dont have any back up senior bowler :facepalm. Now gotta buy some bowlers too :p
Just use youth players in matches you know you're gonna win easily. That's how I managed my fatigue whilst being in the Pavilion Cup. Because those matches tire your players dreadfully.
I always check out the teams I'm playing. If they're a bot team, I'll throw in my second XI including some youths. If they are a human controlled team, I'll check their previous match ratings and pick my team accordingly.
Couldn't do that due to exams... Now i have rested a lot of them because the other team is just 110K rating


There are no bot teams in my league :p
Lucky you :mad :p

Bought this player for 60 k.
Cleophas Waddell >> Details
Player Info

28 years old | 39,987 rating | $4,469 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm FastTalents Bouncer, Gifted (Bowling)
Nationality West Indies
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience accomplished
Captaincy reliable

Skills SummaryBatsman reasonable
Bowler accomplished
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder reliable

SkillsBatting average Endurance capable
Bowling expert Technique accomplished
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding average

Needed a backup bowler urgently plus he's a fast bowler.


Just noticed that he's a decent allrounder... Now thats a bonus...:D

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