FTP: Transfers

A bit expensive but...

Player Info

27 years old | 42,988 rating | $7,002 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Skilled (Power)
Nationality England England
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience accomplished
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman accomplished
Bowler expert
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder expert
Batting accomplished Endurance capable
Bowling accomplished Technique outstanding
Keeping atrocious Power poor
Fielding reasonable

100K, have got myself an expert allrounder.

And this guy for 70K, economical for his age I think. Poor talents though.

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Brandon Sands >> Details
Player Info

22 years old | 46,353 rating | $4,457 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin
Talents Prodigy, Doosra
Nationality Ireland Ireland
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler average
Keeper accomplished
Allrounder reasonable
Batting accomplished Endurance capable
Bowling ordinary Technique accomplished
Keeping expert Power average
Fielding capable
Bought a wrist spinner to form a great spin attack. I already had a right arm finger spinner, this new guy is left arm finger spinner. A bit expensive at 190K but age is on his side. He would serve me for a lot of seasons.

New York Yankees >> Chris Thomson >> Details
Player Info

24 years old | 40,387 rating | $5,178 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spinTalents Gifted (Keeping), Skilled (Keeping)
Nationality Zimbabwe
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy poor

Skills SummaryBatsman ordinary
Bowler expert
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder average

SkillsBatting poor Endurance reliable
Bowling expert Technique expert
Keeping atrocious Power capable
Fielding capable

I also have a young spinner who i might play a couple of SOD games. 3 spinners on a crumbling track would be fun :D
Player Info

20 years old | 27,158 rating | $1,695 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Wrist spinTalents Gifted (Keeping)
Nationality South Africa
Form accomplished
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy ordinary

Skills SummaryBatsman poor
Bowler capable
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary

SkillsBatting dreadful Endurance average
Bowling capable Technique capable
Keeping poor Power poor
Fielding poor
Bought this guy for 300k. Probably paid a bit too much but oh well. Gonna try get him to excep/excep before focusing on the power.

Chewie CC >> Jeremy Mansfield >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 47,381 rating | $10,686 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Gifted (Fielding), Bouncer
Nationality South Africa
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience capable
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler poor
Keeper average
Allrounder poor
Batting spectacular Endurance reliable
Bowling dreadful Technique spectacular
Keeping ordinary Power reasonable
Fielding reliable

Bidding on these two players as well:

Cregagh >> David Gilmour >> Details
Player Info
26 years old | 51,999 rating | $11,376 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast
Talents New Ball Bowler
Nationality England
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience reliable
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman spectacular
Bowler dreadful
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder dreadful
Batting spectacular Endurance expert
Bowling atrocious Technique spectacular
Keeping dreadful Power outstanding
Fielding reliable

^ he's at 300k at the moment.

bye bye 123 >> Jonathon Steele >> Details
Player Info
26 years old | 50,798 rating | $10,459 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Bouncer
Nationality England
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience reliable
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman reasonable
Bowler outstanding
Keeper reasonable
Allrounder capable
Batting poor Endurance accomplished
Bowling spectacular Technique spectacular
Keeping average Power capable
Fielding capable

This guys on just under 200k but I expect that to go up
For I refuse to buy anyone who is over 25 unless they are super good, which in your case they both are pretty strong. Not looking forward to facing you.

I had two medium pacers who were just perfect and they going for cheap but I went to make some lunch and I forgot about them and missed out :facepalm
Yea I prefer younger players, but these two should be fine for a few seasons if I managed to get them
Selling this guy:

Chewie CC >> Terry Gillies >> Details
Player Info
23 years old | 38,407 rating | $6,235 wage
Left hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Spin Specialist
Nationality New Zealand
Form accomplished
Fatigue rested
Experience reasonable
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler ordinary
Keeper average
Allrounder ordinary
Batting expert Endurance reasonable
Bowling poor Technique outstanding
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding average
I have two 21 year old players like your player. They sit on bench most of the season but i give them a game or two whenever i wanna rest my key players ;)
They're just costing you money each week...


I think I should have waited to sell that guy cos he has an outstanding batting summary but is exp/out and low xp and secondaries so he'd be really really close to popping
Of the above players, I got Gilmour for 300k. Steele eventually sold for 382k which was too much for my liking.

Because I got that player, I'm selling this guy:

Glenn O'Keeffe >> Details
Player Info
26 years old | 45,852 rating | $9,463 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Skilled (Bowling)
Nationality England
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience reliable
Captaincy accomplished
Skills Summary
Batsman spectacular
Bowler dreadful
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder poor
Batting outstanding Endurance reliable
Bowling dreadful Technique spectacular
Keeping poor Power capable
Fielding reliable
They play the matches which i can win easily without key players. I gave them a lot of matches in first season but this season was tough.:p
Brought this player for a mere 3k, outstanding at 22, high wages shows he must be close to popping, one batting pop to spectacular then fielding and then fitness.

Bart Hassink >> Details
Player Info
22 years old | 30,283 rating | $7,799 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin

Talents Skilled (Technique)
Nationality Netherlands
Form accomplished
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler dreadful
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder dreadful
Batting outstanding Endurance average
Bowling atrocious Technique expert
Keeping atrocious Power poor
Fielding dreadful
He's a terrible player tbh. He has incredibly low secondaries - you're paying a ridiculous wage just for those primaries.
Spot on. IMO there should not be that much difference between 1* and 2*:spy
Probably payed a bit too much for him ($52,000) but a prodigy talent and who knows. I think I'll go for one batting pop and then train his fielding.

Hedger's Team >> David O'Keeffe >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 16,726 rating | $660 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Prodigy
Nationality Zimbabwe
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting ordinary Endurance ordinary
Bowling poor Technique ordinary
Keeping atrocious Power dreadful
Fielding dreadful

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