Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 4.0 : Complete Edition

mate, wait until tonight and i will release my patchmaker. you can make your own in seconds and release it to the public...

Tutsi: do you make your patches by editing text files, because if you do, this is the way to do it. This is the future, man!!
ill give it a try if its easy enough, though i wont release it, just use it myself
A few comments on Tutsi's patch as well:

Straight driving - waste of time now. It was hard enough to get runs down the ground anyway but it's now near impossible if a fielder is anywhere near.

Front foot cover drive - I've had no problems playing this shot (goes for 4 most times) but I have had difficulty on the backfoot cover drive.

Bowling cursor - Why so big? Computer sprays is all over the place. Everything to the left handers especially seemed to be down the leg side and quite often unplayable.

Back foot cover drive - Echoing what's been said. It always goes in exactly the same place. You need to change the direction like Ravi did.

Overall, I enjoyed batting with this patch although I was batting on a green pitch and had to be cautious so I didn't try being aggressive.
Originally posted by barmyarmy
A few comments on Tutsi's patch as well:

Straight driving - waste of time now. It was hard enough to get runs down the ground anyway but it's now near impossible if a fielder is anywhere near.

Front foot cover drive - I've had no problems playing this shot (goes for 4 most times) but I have had difficulty on the backfoot cover drive.

Bowling cursor - Why so big? Computer sprays is all over the place. Everything to the left handers especially seemed to be down the leg side and quite often unplayable.

Back foot cover drive - Echoing what's been said. It always goes in exactly the same place. You need to change the direction like Ravi did.

Overall, I enjoyed batting with this patch although I was batting on a green pitch and had to be cautious so I didn't try being aggressive.

barmy army, about the problems i had with the front foot cover drive, it has been mainly with the left handers, it always hit there foot and i can never make it go for four runs. The back foot cover drive has enough power when it comes out of the middle of the bat, it does go in "roughly" the same direction but not always "exactly" the same. The straight drives do need tweaking though.
HI everyone have not been on for a few days
due to trying out various patches I must admit
my preference is TUTSIS patch but that is just my
opinion hope everyone keeps up good work so we will
get just about the perfect game
Great patch , game is much smoother fun to play again
1. Front foot drive is useless , there is nothing better
than hitting a fast bowler down the ground
2. Spinner , still soemtime is unplayable when the flight the
ball it comes so slow.
Originally posted by The_gas
barmy army, about the problems i had with the front foot cover drive, it has been mainly with the left handers, it always hit there foot and i can never make it go for four runs. The back foot cover drive has enough power when it comes out of the middle of the bat, it does go in "roughly" the same direction but not always "exactly" the same. The straight drives do need tweaking though.

I find I can hit the LH cover drive by shuffling across my stumps and giving myself some space. I have probs with the cuts from LH batsmen though.
Thanks for the patch. I was wondering if the new AI effects are only on the Hard difficulty setting or are the other levels tweaked as well. Thanks.
tutsi i just tried the patch...like every1 has said make the straight drive easier to play....both the normal as well as the 1 which u come down the track....tht was the only way i used to get runs....cant score much now!! otherwise good work
I was bowled out for 292 on a green wicket so I'm pretty happy with that :P
I found I had to be very paitient, block the good deliveries and wait for the loose balls. Even then hard to put them all away. The slog sweep is probably a bit too powerful. I hit 7 6's using it over mid-wicket.
Originally posted by barmyarmy
I was bowled out for 292 on a green wicket so I'm pretty happy with that :P
I found I had to be very paitient, block the good deliveries and wait for the loose balls. Even then hard to put them all away. The slog sweep is probably a bit too powerful. I hit 7 6's using it over mid-wicket.

i gave up with that shot colin it only just passed the bloke at square, just goes to show how its different for other people :D
I like this patch, one thing i would like to see is more edges going to hand for both human and cpu, i have nicked so many edges and it never, ever goes to a cpu slip. I also found this when bowling though not quite so bad. The drive down the ground is the shot that needs to be looked at most though

i think i have my shots mixed up, the slogs down the ground if timed right always go for 6.

One thing that also need tweaking tutsi if you are reading is the direction of shots, some more variation would be nice, especially on cover and drives down the ground, and sweep if possible
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try to improve the range of shots....they go to same place every time.......i'm finding it 2 hard to score on rite now.....cllin u played on medium or hard??? and the cut shot mostly goes back straight onto the stumps....it shud sometimes just miss the stumps and go to the boundry or something to add more realism!!
I'm on medium which probably explains why I can time some of the shots better but then again I don't play this game very much and can still only get 292.
I'll definitely third the bit about shot direction. Variation is essential otherwise one fielder can get the ball everytime you play a shot (especially mid on/off)
yup....cant get any boundries.....make the leg side shots go to the boundry fielder more....play a good shot but still always get a single only till square leg...doesnt go towards the deep square leg 2 often.....i'm quite bad as i havnt played it much.....bad choice to start on hard...i'm 100/4 in 30 overs!!

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