Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 4.0 : Complete Edition

this looks to be the best patch, and by some distance. I love what has been done with the height placement and direction of shots that are "well timed. Havent tried bowling, but bowling has always been fun with tutsi's patches. The 6 hit button can now be used although your timing has to be spot on, and you must use the shot on the correct delivery. Now all we need tutsi to do is figure out how to stop the cpu wicket keeper giving you byes every other over.

Good work tutsi, its much appreciated :cool:
hi there,
tusti this is really good patch . y have made a gr8 patch. bowling is also really good in htis patch. i have trouble the batsman with my bowling due to curtesy of yr patch. i have not uptill try with the batting as soon as i bat i will give u my thoughts on thah
Originally posted by lazy_chesnut
yeah, get the original gob file, go to www.cricket2004.co.uk, go to downloads, kits and then then download the kit update. Then you can install tutsi's new patch.

That's how I inderstand it, anyway.
Still a bit confused here. Does this mean I have to install barmyarmy's kit update, tutsi's v4.0 update and finally v4.1 in that order?

Or can I install version 4.0, then barmyarmys kit update and then v4.1?

I'm asking because cricket2004.co.uk is currently down and I don't currently have barmyarmy's kit update.

Alternatively, could someone provide another link please?
all of this is great except anyone tried bowling on a wet or damp pitch bouncer length with slow ball????? if u use third power u get them 0 all out every time !!!!! any patch for this?? thx sorry if wrong thread my 1st go bye
Yea, the bowling out thing happened to me on V4 as well. I only just downloaded v4.1 then and haven't tried it out yet.
But when ever I make them play the square cut they would nearly always edge it, sometimes they would edge it over the keeper but more often then not they'll get caught out.

Another problem I found was that you get all these lines running up the pitch in the practice nets, which makes it a bit laggy, but thats not a significant problem.

But I do enjoy batting though, is more realistic, although I think theres something wrong with the cover drive, the ball aways hits the batsmans legs when he tries to play the shot.

All in all I think this patch is good, keep up the good work Tutsi :)
Originally posted by Banana Bob
Yea, the bowling out thing happened to me on V4 as well. I only just downloaded v4.1 then and haven't tried it out yet.
But when ever I make them play the square cut they would nearly always edge it, sometimes they would edge it over the keeper but more often then not they'll get caught out.

Another problem I found was that you get all these lines running up the pitch in the practice nets, which makes it a bit laggy, but thats not a significant problem.

But I do enjoy batting though, is more realistic, although I think theres something wrong with the cover drive, the ball aways hits the batsmans legs when he tries to play the shot.

All in all I think this patch is good, keep up the good work Tutsi :)

yeah i noticed this i think you just have to play the shot very late, i think the cover drive could do with a tiny little more power as well
Na, wasn't I that played the cut. Was the AI.
I got them all out for 38, I just kept bowling wide and they'd just keep playing the cut and always edges it to the keeper. :p
Tutsi's Patch Update 4.1

Tutsi your patch is very good. I appreciate it, but still there is a little problem in straight drive. The problem is punch straight drive. Whenever I hit a punch straight drive (noticing that mostly punch straight drive only played by left handed batsman otherwise right handed batsman mainly plays a flick or wristy straight drive. I dont know why? Okay the straight drive nevers goes straight by a human player . No matter how good is your timing, it will never go straight, it goes to off or on. CPU plays as many as straight drive and succeeding in making boudries. I am not blaming Tutsi for this. These great patch makers had improvised the cricket game which was dull before gifted by EA Sports. I just want Tutsi to do a lttle work onn straight drive in his furthur update. If he can it will be very great. It brings more fun in cricket. Thats Solve.

Thanks for a great patch Tutsi
im downloading the tutsi patch ....BUT.....file giving a error........the error is.
d:\program files\EA Sports\Cricket 2004\data\cricket_pc.gob:unknown version.....
i have broadband i would like to download the file in one shot, but the site is down when i go there, could someone help me my putting the 10mb download on here please.
after extensive testing i have a few suggestions for improvement of 4.1.

Shot Improvement:

Cover drive front foot: Something wrong with this shot, it is very weak for the human player even when timed well, i have never managed more than two runs with this shot. 9/10 it hits the batsmen's feet unless you leave it untill its so late it gets an edge, or you play and miss. (this is the most urgent problem)

Square cut back foot, still to many of these shots result in the human inside edgeing the ball onto his own stumps, it needs to be toned down a tad, but its still a good feature to have and does add to realism. Its fine if you try a square cut to close to your stumps but it happens if you cut the ball 4 yards outside off stump.

Front foot drive down the ground is too weak, and the wrist drive is played to often, have never scored more than one run using this shot.

Back foot drive down the ground is perfect if timed correctly, however it always goes to the same fielder, and same direction, so is almost redundant. Not sure if you can edit this but if you can it might need a tweak.

Square cut front foot shot could do with a bit mor power for human players

Some of the 6 hit shots still go a bit high despite some great tweaking by yourself tutsi, id like to see less height on a well timed shot, and a bit more distance. For example when playing a 6 hit front foot cover drive the height of this shot is pretty good, but it never beats the cover fielder, goes to him around head height 9 times out of 10.

Let me know what you think tutsi :cool:
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