Tutsi's A.I. Patches

nice one tutsi i have imported it and will report back with result later :)
Hi tutsi I downloaded your updates and applied it. Now the work left is to play and see howz urs patch workin.That I will be doing in couple of days and then I will give you reply about your patch. Till then all the best and have a nice time.
Originally posted by manojkumar_ms
Hi tutsi I downloaded your updates and applied it. Now the work left is to play and see howz urs patch workin.That I will be doing in couple of days and then I will give you reply about your patch. Till then all the best and have a nice time.

you make it sound like hes going on hoilday :D
THATS GOOD but u have to improve the bowling becouse cruser is to fast please slow it also. thanks for your time to make a game good for us.
tutsi i installed your patch...playing a tour....playing as india against northamptonshire......

i'm bowling....got 2 wickets in the 1st over with the batsmen playing a lofted backfoot cover drive and the ball going striaght to the cover fielder.......but since then it's been more realistic....

good 2 c the cpu being more attacking....they're playing lofted shots to the right of mid on.......i'm playing on hard btw......anything pitched up and on middle stump is being lofted away......bowled 12 overs.....they're around 70/3....going at around 6 an over....so that's not bad......it ads a bit more realism that they're attacking inthe first 15 overs...btw playing on a hard pitch!! more details i'll give u later....but ithink it's made it more competetive!!
ur report is good and brief i want to know one thing from u thats is can we add more faces in cricket 2004 for all the teams can we thanks
why am i not being able to change custom fields for spinners in test matches... whenever i change the field, teh changes dont take place on teh field and teh field remains teh same, only for spinners thoug and only in test matches..anyone know how to fix this?
why am i not being able to change custom fields for spinners in test matches... whenever i change the field, teh changes dont take place on teh field and teh field remains teh same, only for spinners thoug and only in test matches..anyone know how to fix this?
That's normal- it's a bug
I played a full test match touring australia....

Tutsi bhai i did not find any change in the advance shots. They are as they were before. ????????

Just to confirm if i installed the patch corectly.... i opened config editor 2 and imported your patch. Clicked on the save button and started the game....

played for two hours but seriusly i did not find any difference. plz let me know...

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