If you want to make some changes to your line-up while the match is being played, you just have to post a few orders with your line-up. Each order consists of an action (what to do) and a group of conditions (when to do it). ESMS will execute an order if all the conditions for it are satisfied. The actions in ESMS are:
- TACTIC [new tactic]
Orders ESMS to change your team's tactic to [new tactic].
- CHANGEPOS [name/number/position] [new position]
Tells ESMS to change the position of a certain player. You can refer to a player by his name, number or by a position. If a position is specified, ESMS finds the worst player on this position (worst - meaning with the lowest relevant skill, for example Ps for midfielders).
- SUB [name/number/position out] [name/number in] [new position]
Substitutes a player. Takes a name, number or a position of a player to take out, just like CHANGEPOS. Additionally, takes the name or number of a player to bring in, and the position he'll play.
The actions are still not full order lines, which should also include at least one condition. In general, several conditions can be given, separated by commas. The conditions in ESMS are:
- IF MIN [sign] [minute]
If the game is now before, at, or after a certain minute. The allowed signs are =, <, >, <= and >= with their usual mathematical meanings.
- IF SCORE [sign] [score]
Specifies the goal difference between your team and the opponent's team. A positive goal difference means you lead, a negative means the opponent leads. For example 2 means you lead by 2 goals (e.g. the score is 2-0, 3-1, 4-2 and so on). Similarly, -2 means that you lose by 2 goals. The sign has the same meaning as in the MIN condition.
- IF YELLOW [position/name/number]
If the player got a yellow card. If a position is given, any player on this position counts. That is, for MFC - if any central midfielder got a yellow card.
- IF RED [position/name/number]
Similar to the previous condition, but with a red and not a yellow card.
- IF INJ [position/name/number]
Similar to the previous condition, but with an injury instead of a card.
To make things clearer, here are some sample orders with explanations:
TACTIC A IF MIN >= 45, SCORE =< -1
Tells the program to change the tactic to attacking if it is later than the 45th minute and your team is losing by one or more goals.
TACTIC A IF MIN => 45, SCORE =< -1, SCORE > -4
Tells the program to change the tactic to attacking if it is later than the 45th minute and your team is losing by one or more, but less than 4 goals.
Changes the position of J_Doe to MFC if it's earlier than the 20th minute and your team leads by one goal or more.
SUB MFC 12 DFC IF MIN = 60, SCORE => 1
Substitutes the worst MFC of your team for player 12 (that will play DFC) if you are leading by one goal or more on the 60th minute.
Changes the position of the worst FWC of your team to MFC if some MFC got a red card after the 50th minute.