Under 21's -Ollie Holden - An 18 Year Old Playing in the Big Leagues[FM08]

NO NO NO Holden dont worry about interest I am your interest.....;)

stories always take a while to get going DONT give u
I'm not going too..dont worry. The next update will be more personal focusing on his background and life outside of football.

Well my life was moving at an incredible pace, In the past few weeks I hadn?t had time to sit down and breathe. The papers had been covering my every move as I was now the new Theo Walcott. England?s new hope for the next 10 years. I really wanted to be a part of the England set up but I knew I was thinking too fast. I had too first be a regular in the united team. I knew I didn?t want to leave the club especially as it was the club I had loved as a child. But somehow the thought came that if really I wanted to be playing International football I had to be starting. I had a long time yet so I reminded myself everything was ok. I started to remember my younger years when I used to be bullied and verbally and physically. I had hated life and just wanted to give up, I had looked for a way out and it wasn?t that I went to football it was more it came to me. I was walking home one evening, I was in the park thinking about what I could do when a got hit on the head by a football. I wasn?t religious and I?m still not but I had to think was it fate, coincidence or divine intervention. I carried on playing football and things got better I was picked regionally and then got picked up by Manchester United. Now I had 1 Premier league goal by name and wanted many more. I had been valued at around 7.5 million. I was really happy with that, My life outside of football was good as well, I had an iphone, I had recently signed up to O2 and was given an iphone, As I started to walk the streets of Manchester I could hear shouts of ?Ole? and ?We love you? from all the teenage ladies even some men. I hadn?t been the best looking child at school but as I grew up I started to become better looking.
It was the night before my third game against Everton and my Dad had flown into too meet up with me, He was coming to watch me play the next day so I really wanted to perform. He jokingly asked me ?So are you going to pay me back all the money I used to give you now then?? We laughed with each other a lot, we were more like friends than father and son. He had left my mum and I at an early age so I barely used to see him but now hopefully things will be better. At the end of the night I went to pay and bumped into one of the waitresses. She was young, blonde and had a reasonably athletic figure. I said sorry and walked on by I looked round my should and so did she I gave her a smile and she smiled back. My Dad and I went on our way but I couldn?t resist one last look before my game at her.


Saturday came and we were playing Everton, Scholsey came in for Fletch and John in for Wes.
Again i was named on the bench, We jogged out onto the pitch for the warm up and it was all going well, the crowd was starting to fill and chants were going round, I looked around it was my first time at Goodison Park and it seemed a nice ground. I noticed my dad up in the stand and he waved, I nodded in acknowledgement, Only to be hit on the head by Ronaldo who was practicing crossing. I happened to be standing there as I was supposed to be getting on the end of them. It gave me a big shock being hit and i stumbled backwards, The crowd laughed and saw the funny side of it and waved back to them. A few minutes later we were called back to the dressing room and my dad was waiting outside 'Good luck Son, I’m looking forward to watching you play.'
The game got started a pretty bland start and after about 16 minutes Everton scored through Yakubu, Fergie was mad, It was still 1-0 at half time, Fergie told us to pull our fingers out as we needed to be better in front of goal and create more shots. Not much happened in the second half, I came on in around the 60th minute, this time for Tev who was looking tired. So it was an all English partnership up front. I went over to Wayne and said into his ear ‘This could be England’s strike force soon’ he laughed and told me to get over to the other side. I created some chances for myself and the team but nothing seemed to go right. We ended up losing 1-0. Back in the dressing room Fergie said that he were unlucky as we were the better team in the second half.
I saw my dad after the game, We headed back home in the car we were talking about the match and he said that he thought i was much better than he had expected (Cheeky :P) He got talking and he was getting a bit emotional and was saying how he was sorry that he hadn’t been there for my childhood to watch me grow up. I said it was fine as i enjoyed the relationship we had and valued it very well. I just said I hoped he would come and visit some more.
It was a good week after that my dad left to go back to Singapore on the Tuesday, It was again emotional at the airport he promised he would be back to watch the Manchester Derby. I said I would pay for the flights and if he ever wanted to come more I was willing to pay and come and pick him up. He left to go through security and we waved goodbye, People had been kind enough to leave us alone but when i started walking back to my car the odd person came up to me and asked for my Signature and i was happy to give it to them.
So the next weekend came and it was the big one against Chelsea, The team went up on the board on the Friday.

Team to face Chelsea on Saturday 25th of August.
1. T.Kuszczak
2. P.Evra
3. E.Garay
4. R.Ferdinand
5. J.O’Shea
6. Nani
7. E.Mendez
8. C.Ronaldo
9. J.Riquelme
10. W.Rooney
11. O.Holden
I scrolled down the board and saw my name, I was gobsmacked he had dropped one of our best players for me. I was only 17, The two newbie’s arrived this week in E.Garay and E.Mendez and they had fitted in well straight away it was no wonder they were in the team. Sir Alex came up to me 'You’ve showed excellent character this week and have mde Eze and Mend feel welcome, So I have put you in the team, I hope you’re up for it!' I nodded my head and said i was up for it.
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Good luck with the match and I hope you thrash Chelsea.
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The match day game and once again I felt sick but was starting to know it was just nerves, I was also starting to become aware of people’s different match day routines. People put their clothes on in different orders or generally did something strange. For me it was just putting my clothes in and i have found that i walk around the changing room and run certain situations through in my mind. We went out to train and me and Wayne were both on top form making TK work to save the shots and we was doing a pretty good job. The new guys seemed to be settling in well as the team looked like a good unit. Rumour had it we would be trying a new formation in the next game. But that was that and this is this.
Chelsea had made no changes to the team that beat us in the Champions Shield Final 1-0. Whereas we had made a few. The game started off at a quick pace and we had a few shots on target early on testing out Cech. But they caught us on the break, Drogba used his pace running down the wing and cut back inside and beat 3 of our players and finished it off well. We were 1-0 down after only 6 minutes. Conceding a goal in the opening minutes was starting to become a bad habit for us, one we needed to get out of if we were to win the title. Both teams made some good chances in the 1st half but it came to a close at 1-0 still to Chelsea. Alex told us we were unlucky for them to score on the counter but we to needed to score. He urged us to press on and we were likely to score.
We ran out for the second half and things were still the same a fast flowing game with the crowd cheering every time we touched the ball and booing when they did. The game was drawing to a close and the fans starting to become irritated that we were going to lose twice out of two games against Chelsea. But in the 85th Belleti gave away a vital penalty, New boy Eze had been given the roll of taking penalty’s. He had been an absolute God in training. One again cool calm and collected he scored with Cech not even moving. The game finished 1-1 and was a fair result really. But we need to win our next few games to keep in touch.
awesome awesome work.....good performance with rooney in the future partnership there

happy to see life going well on and off the pitch.

unlucky with draw against chelsea....I saw the funny side of ronaldo head shot :)

So I was happy with a 1-1 draw with Chelski even though i hadn’t scored but i was glad i was in the team! In the middle of the week I received a phone call while i was having dinner with some of my old mates.
*It’s the eye of the tiger* ( My phone went off in my trouser pocket)
ME: Ollie Holden speaking...
FC: Hi Ollie, (In a strong Italian accent) Its Fabio Capello...
ME: Hang on...
I said mouthed to my mates. Its Fabio Capello!! I checked my watch to see what day it was just to make sure it wasn’t April Fools day(:P)
ME: Sorry, I was just ordering the bill, Soo ..umm why are you calling me?
FC: Well i was calling to talk to you about your recent performances
ME: Well thank you very much but more to the point how did you get my number?
FC: It helps when you leave information on various websites...
ME: Ohh....okay well thank you for ringing
FC: No, Hang on wait..I was calling to tell you the good news?
ME: Your not calling me up to the England squad are you?
FC:Well..........Not the main squad but i want you to report to the U21 training camp on Tuesday after your Bolton Game. You are in the U21 squad.
ME: Certainly!! Thanks a lot Fabio!!

I was so excited, my friends and I left the restaurant and went back to mine for a few drinks in celebration. I told my mum and joined us in a drink, we toasted to my good luck as a footballer.
So the next match came and it was a game against Bolton. There had been some heated views in the press with Gary Megson saying he believed we didn’t have any chance of winning the title. Uncharacteristically Sir Alex replied saying that he would take great pleasure of beating his side. The rumours were true Alex had made a few changes to players and formation for the game against Bolton so the two teams lined up like this;

So he had gone with the 1-4-3-2 formation, A pretty rare formation but he was willing to make it work especially with the team we had. Garay would be strong as a sweeper and when you have Rio and Nem at Centre back there’s not much getting through that. The game started off well for us we were creative and played the fast tempo game we should. We trouble their goal a lot more than they troubled ours and eventually just before the half hour stage i grabbed my opportunity with open arms. Riquelme stole the ball of their throw in and passed it to Ronaldo. He delivered me a cross which i took on my chest and controlled and slotted it home in the middle of the area. We went 1-0 up and i had given us the lead. I was ecstatic it was the first time i had put us ahead and was hoping it would happen many more times. It stayed 1-0 till half time and Alex was happy in the dressing room and was delighted with how i was playing. I was modest and said we were all playing very well and it wasn’t just me that deserved the credit.

So we went out for the second half and Bolton were up for it, They were counter attacking from deep and having shots from any real distance they thought they had a chance. Standing on the half way line i was really nervous that we might let one in after they had successive corners but our defence held up until we gave away a free kick in the middle of the pitch close to the edge of the area. Edwin saved out and saw the chance to counter he gave a quick kick up field and I latched onto it. It was me and the two centre backs i beat one with some trickery and then beat the other with pace. I had a one on one with the keeper he came out so i decided to go the cheeky way and lobbed him! It went in, We were 2-0 and I’d scored twice. Who would have expected it! I was still only 17! My Birthday was coming so this must have been an early present! We gathered by the home support as i showed them the back of my shirt and pointed to it. It was a name to remember. The game finished 2-0 I was awarded MOTM. Legally I wasn’t allowed to drink..So i had to save until i got home. Sure :) !! Fergie was ecstatic and praised me for my performance. I was also our top scorer!!

The next day in the press I read the Main Headline
Holden leaves Bolton Wandering!
Megson admitted I was the difference between the two teams and he hoped he didn’t have to play of my calibre every week! I chuckle to myself. And realised then I realised I had to get to the Under 21 hotel where I was staying that night. I also saw I was in Lawro’s BBC team of the week! BRILLIANT.

So I arrived at the team hotel, I saw some of my teammates, People like Theo Walcot, Gary Cahill, Anton Ferdinand ? Rio?s Brother ? and James Milner. All from what I had heard were great guys. So the match came along and I was picked for my first U21 International Match. The other great thing?...It was my birthday. I was now 18!! I was hopefully going to celebrate after the game depending on how it went. But i decided in the morning to go out and buy my first car! I paid for it myself has i didn?t wwanrt to see my parents struggle. I bought an Audi A4

I loved it although it set me back a bit but i was happy. I wondered what the lads would say back at United. I would just have to show it off when I got back. So the game came and everybody wished me Happy Birthday. We sat in the changing room and I found out I was starting. I?d become really good mates with Theo and he was on the bench.

I said unlucky and that I?m sure he would start the next game. It was a fairly quiet game and finished 0-0 at half time. Pearcey said that we needed a good win and 2 goals would assure us of that and a second win out of 2. I hadn?t been involved in the away win against Poland but they had won 2-1. In the second half we started to play a lot better and in the 63rd minute Matt Derbyshire grabbed us the lead with a scuffed shot on the edge of the 6 yard box. I then scored my first goal for the 21?s in the 80th minute to cap off an excellent second half for us. They must have known it was my birthday as they nobody bothered with me and i had an open shot. GOD if all international football is like this I could do quite well. So it finished 2-0 and we now had 6 points from the 6 available.

The next game was against Bosnia and Herzegovina 21?s. Again I had been picked to start and we also found out the game was being shown on sky and in HD. I?d treated myself again to a new pair of boots. I felt as if I was on a bit of a spending spree recently but these boots were worn and I was going to get them framed or something. I?m sure mum would know.

Some fit new Puma boots. I was hoping these would help my game. Some changes had been made and MOTM from the last game Matt Derbyshire made way for Theo. So my new best friend would be partnering me up front.

So being on Sky I was very nervous knowing a lot of people would be watching with a close eye on me. Especially after being described as a ?Wonder kid? by quite a few people. I was starting to feel like England?s new hope! The game started and we continued from where we left off against Andorra. Playing some wonderful attacking football and on the 19th minute I scored my second goal in two games looked down at the boots and ran off to congratulate my team mates. They hit back 5 minutes later to level the scores. Things settled down for about 10 minutes until the 35th minute when Theo grabbed his opportunity as we counter attacked a lovely 1-2 between us and we had a rapid shot that beat the keeper to the bottom right hand corner. And we were 2-1 up after just 35 minutes. I?m sure it would have been a good game to watch and I was recording it on the Sky+ at home so i could watch it. We went in 2-1 up at half time and Pearcey was fairly happy but knew they could still level again as they were showing hints of danger. But nothing happened in the second half until the very end i scored my second and made it 3-1. The best team in the game had one and I was all the happier. But i was living on the edge I was one yellow card away from an International ban, So it was back to United now with my new car and boots. The next couple of games looked like this;
Blackburn, Roma, Newcastle and Coventry. I hoped to up my tally and stay as United?s leading goal scorer.

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