VB Series

Pakistan should be favourite? As you serious? You've got the world champions playing at home, I think I know who I'd put my money on
Dont worry about losing squiz as long as you put your money on pakistan.
australia is the best team in the world(both forms of the game).do we need to say it anymore?obviously some people are to blinded by bias.
Warnie is making a return to one-day cricket :D
they have shortend the vb series this year last year in the vb series between australia, india and zimbabwe there were 8 matches and 3 finals with each team playing each other 4 times this year the vb sereis between australia, pakistan and west indes only has 6 matches and 3 finals with each team playing each other 3 times
thats good if they have reduced no of games..it gets really boring otherwise.
andrew_nixon said:
It's actually 9 matches and 3 finals, with each team playing 6 matches each.

andrew sorry for being off topic but are you here to correct mistake's that people makes? :mad

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