vCash Donating/Begging Thread

I have sent 1500 to you and 2000 to Umair,
m not able to send anything to Great India, some error is coming,
I have still kept 2000 for him because he was the first one to ask. But how do i donate him now??

I think Great India's user settings must be so antisocial that he has even disallowed himself from receiving donations...

(I know for a fact that he has disabled PMs and VMs).
Lol i have $17774 much less then blitzberg/other guys!
Pind basiya hi nahi aur Dhaku pehle agaye :D

Somebody please translate what this is....:D I want to check whether addy is saying something about me :p

Amount up for grabs : 2880

Also, very shortly, 2000 vcash will be flying into umair2000's a/c from me & I know he is waiting like a hungry wolf :D
Somebody please translate what this is....:D I want to check whether addy is saying something about me :p

Amount up for grabs : 2880

Also, very shortly, 2000 vcash will be flying into umair2000's a/c from me & I know he is waiting like a hungry wolf :D
send it to me :D
M donating the last 2000 I have to you(BlitzBerg) since you hardly have any vcash left.

Everyone be aware that people can put vcash in the 'bank' and then it doesn't show up on their profile. Be sceptical about what you see or when someone tells you they have no vcash. There is no way to verify it unless perhaps if you are an admin.

Yes that's good to know, thanks (I didn't know about it before this). So how well does it actually work? And how do you find an individual on it? The user name sort seems to give random results.

Also, there are only under 1200 users included. That can't be everyone, or is it? One of the comments in the thread said it had a post count cutoff.
By the way, what it shows is, of those that are begging (recently):
0601731 really doesn't have any cash
Blitzberg has just under 10,000
yashdude101 has 20,000
ahmad shah has 23,000
Umair has 33,000; and
RPHKR has 53,000

(I didn't check Great India as you have seen through him already ;))
Yeah actually, we can see our stats,luckiest player,top player and other etc statsCasino stats
Ah...Here I am..Sorry for the delay :D

2000 vcash donated to Umair2000
1440 vcash donated to BlitzBerg & vcashdude101 :p

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