Video Teasers -- New Video 07.27.06--

Spinner action looks unbelievably accurate!!!

Unfortunately all the avi vids posted, I cant see, cause of my old fashion PC at work!!!! :crying

However as many wmv's youo can post I would much appreciate, this is gonna be such a kick a@s game that I think we're willing to wait an eternity!
Nice work holmie loving the teasers. Very accurate as OpeningBat said.

Next time can u include the tony greig commetnary i recorded :p

Thanks Mate Brett_Lee
great work, Holmie...this really is amazing how much the sounds add to really makes me excited... :clap
Top class stuff holmie !!
Loved the first video. You can even hear "good ball" shouts from the keeper. The commentary seems dead on. Good work.

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