Way too many edges - post patch

Its just basically moving the batsman foot towards the ball to play the right shot and get maximum out of it..Applies both to front and back foot.. The stump gaurd you take also plays an important role for the shots you like to play..
I get this for front foot shots - though it’s hard to be precise using classic controls on harder difficulty- but how does it work for back foot shots? You can’t point the left stick towards bounce of ball when you’re pulling it backwards!
I get this for front foot shots - though it’s hard to be precise using classic controls on harder difficulty- but how does it work for back foot shots? You can’t point the left stick towards bounce of ball when you’re pulling it backwards!
You can.. Front foot drive if you are doing that at 1-2'o clock its 4-5'o clock for backfoot.. And in backfoot the closer you get to the ball to cut good lengths the better they travel..
You can.. Front foot drive if you are doing that at 1-2'o clock its 4-5'o clock for backfoot.. And in backfoot the closer you get to the ball to cut good lengths the better they travel..
I have been playing on standard controls all this while. The option to move feet 360° is pretty tempting to shift to classic. Would definitely need to hit the nets before heading in.
I still can’t get the footwork right for back foot. The best I get is ok footwork. I play on batsmen far camera (or broadcast maybe) and play around 2pm for an offside short ball and never get good footwork.
7'o clock if the ball is head high, 5'o clock if the ball is chest or below.. First shot would be moving away and cutting, second one would be moving towards and punching square..

So what happens when you Point RA to 3 O Clock . Something in between ?
Is foot placement just about pushing thumbstick up to 12 o'clock for a front foot shot and back to 6 o'clock for back foot shot? I've tried up and down diagonal movements with the left stick.....with no obvious improvement to batting.
Yeah unless you're on the other control type then you need to press a button.

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