Story West Indies hope to relive the glory days ICC 05

Comfortable win for West Indies , nice presentation mate :clap
The Presentation

David gowar: so its another easy stroll in the park for the west indies but lets see what the captains made out of the game. we are back in Sabina park

Tony Cozier: Wellcome ladies and gentleman to the presentation ceromony its another win for the west Indies and they are through to the super 8 but Zimbabwe got out. I would like to invite the losing captain Heath Streak

TC: Heath it wasnt a good day with the bat for your boys?

HS:No it wasnt but we tried out best it was a tough toss to lose and to bat on this grass wicket was a nightmare but credit to the windies they played well and best of luck to them in the next round.

TC: Now i would like to welcome the wining captain Brian Lara, Brian good win today?

Bl: Yh was we put the ball in the right area it a did a bit and the zimbabawe batsman had no awnser. And after our batsman chased it down so we are doing good and our in good spirits. hopefully we can fire in the supper 8s you never know it could be us lifting that trophy. but thats a long way away we just need to make sure we do the basics right and continue winning cricket matches.

TC: well done brian good luck in the super eights that concludes our presentation ceromony.

David Gowar: Ok then that is a convincing win for the wesindies so its the end of the group stage and the super eights will start very soon we hope enjoyed it good bye!
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The Group Standings

The group stage is now completed here are the standings.


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Super 8s Game 1 South Africa vs West indies

David Gowar: Well come to the match between South Africa and West Indies from Guyana. It should be a cracker today between two well ballenced line ups. We can tell you the toss just took playce and Graham Smith won the toss and decided to bat first.

Here are the two teams.


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I know that this is a bit early but i want people to post there ideas on the four semi finalists and who they think is the winner!

please look at the earliyer posts to see the teams in the super eights.

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