What is the greatest Wrestling match ever?

Foley was smart and got out before he was forced to retire from injury, a lot of wrestlers careers get ended for them rather then letting them go out on their own terms. Jerry Sags is a good example his career was ended by a Scott Hall chairshot.
But then saying that, I'd imagine there were more injuries going on in WCW than the WWE, just purely because of the people involved. I think I'd trust the likes of 'Taker, HHH and Michaels a lot more than Goldberg, Mongo and Co in the ring.
HBK vs Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental title - Summerslam 1995
Undertaker vs Mankind - Hell in a Cell 1998
Triple H vs The Rock Iron man match- Judgment Day 2000
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But then saying that, I'd imagine there were more injuries going on in WCW than the WWE, just purely because of the people involved. I think I'd trust the likes of 'Taker, HHH and Michaels a lot more than Goldberg, Mongo and Co in the ring.

Actually looking back there wasn't as many as one would think, I mean places like XPW, CZW and ECW had more injuries due to their more high risk style.
I still say my favourite match was Dean Malenko vs Eddie Guerrero in ECW for the ECW World TV Title, and then at Halloween Havoc Rey vs Eddie for the WCW Cruiserweight Ttile if Rey lost he would lose his mask.
I hate cruiserweights.

Bret Hart vs Stone Cold at 'Mania was a classic.

Any 'Mania match with The Rock vs Stone Cold was good, 'specially the final one.

The Rock vs Mankind matches where Rock would beat the crap out of him.
How can you hate Cruiserweights? Check out Youtube for some action from Chikara, PWG, and the other indy feds thats some awesome action right there.
Just do high flying moves all day doesn't faze me. I like showboats, blokes with high charisma and big moves with good finishes. Not backflips off top ropes.
Really that was such a pathetic post and does not represent a single thing.
Just do high flying moves all day doesn't faze me. I like showboats, blokes with high charisma and big moves with good finishes. Not backflips off top ropes.

Yeah I can see where you are coming from, I will show you some nice finishers from Chilkara there are some nice moves. :)

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