What kinda girls get you totally pissed off

Girls that have got a fantastic body (Katie Price pre Jordan), but feel the need to plump a couple of balloons on their chest (Katie Price as Jordan). Why the hell she did that, I have no idea. Before she did that she looked a real babe, now she looks like a freak.

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 6 Seconds later...

It really pissed when they are on the phone for hours, talk to fast, but chav girls really annoy me

Yeps, my ex was like that, it was hard to understand a damn thing she was saying!
If anyone says 'Stu's mum' you're in for a good jaffa-caking :)
Still, a jaffa-caking is what you deserve Thomas.
Jeez, a lot of female-hating going on in this thread. We already have less than a handful of female members here, let's not try to chase away those women as well. :p
I also hate girls who smoke, no offence to Tom's ex.

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