What Was The Last Thing/s You Bought? Thread

Hey Nigel. Guess what? We agree on something :D Example today. Old dear in front of me at a roundabout. Lights go red and she just carries going straight on making about 4 cars have to swurve to avoid her. I would much rather have someone who is aware and knows how to handle the car behind me, but speeds, then that old woman who obviously had no idea what was going on.

I also find if I know that mobile speed cameras lurke around in a certain area and I stick to just below the speed limit, I am more likely to switch off and not be as focused as at higher speeds.
Urgh, your one of those types of people. I'm still of the ilk that there is reckless speeding and safe speeding.
I just don't have any sympathy for someone who got caught speeding. I hear people winging about speeding tickets all the time, it could be much worse.
Uni textbooks. Only bought 2 for my 5 subjects, couldn't be bothered getting the others, too expensive
I just don't have any sympathy for someone who got caught speeding. I hear people winging about speeding tickets all the time, it could be much worse.

Agree completely. As clich? as it is; there's no such thing as safe speeding. Speeding is what it is - speeding. It's illegal. It's dangerous. And it's downright selfish and stupid.
Agree completely. As clich? as it is; there's no such thing as safe speeding. Speeding is what it is - speeding. It's illegal. It's dangerous. And it's downright selfish and stupid.

Yep! So many stories of innocent people killed because some (list of unspeakable terms here) is going too fast. It is a very serious crime in my book.
Speeding is bad, Imagine hitting a child who was in the road because you cant slow down


Yamaha FZ-S. :)

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