What Was The Last Thing/s You Bought? Thread

New earphones :) When speaking to my cousin he told me about some of these Zagg earphones, and he had a 40% off. Gotta admit, they seem pretty cool, have a funky round neck thing and also a seperate mic/volume/accept call - end call thing on the neck.

My last purchases include:

F1'2010 pre-order for the PS3.
Driving Test.

Nothing else, because I'm tighter than a Scotsman.
F1'2010 pre-order for the PS3.

Most F1 games are crap (not enough features), is this one any good?

Like does it have custom fueling? This bit is the most important part. Most F1 games I have bought makes sure you have enough fuel for the entire race, which throws strategy out the door.
I was thinking about getting that, when does it come out?

24th Sept.

TumTum, the game will be accurate to this season, so you'll be lumped with the massive fuel loads. No idea if they will implement the different engine settings they use in F1 to cope with the fuel loads.

Everything I've seen so far looks good with the game.
How will this game compare to F1 CE on ps3? That game was so stripped and limited that Im not sure I want to spend anymore money on a similar product
F1CE was F106 from the PS2 that Sony Liverpool just pushed over to the PS3 to make money. F1'10 has been built from the ground up and when I spoke with Andy Gray at Codies play-test, he said it would be nothing like F1CE, I'm optimistic over it. I saw some quote from an iRacing simmer and he was very satisfied with it, AI looks good, physics are good, etc.

Some of the graphics look phenomenal.
Finally got new earphones. Its those noise canceling ones, but were fairly cheap price wise. Slowly getting used to them as I hadn't used these type of earphones before but must say that after plugging them in and with some loud music, i can almost block out loud music from the neighbors. Its a different story though when my apart is vibrating due to the bass though :doh

Pretty sweet as cap, flash distorted the colors in the badge a bit. Almost have caps for all the ODI teams now. Next up is Sri Lanka.

can't find a replica South Africa ODI cap anywhere, if anyone finds one online let me know

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