What will your career player be?

What Number Will You Bat?

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Just wondering what country everybody will be playing for in the caree

It'll most definately be my home country, South Africa
Might want to start a career in a country which is not that popular like UAE or Bermuda something like that because even if i mess up I can just ignore that saying its for some other country...:p:lol
Will play for India after great practice sessions in the nets..:yes
Vatican City

so that I get direct entry in Test squad as allrounder (once AI convince 10 more willing pieces of pixel to join me)
Most likely West Indies or Sri Lanka.

I'm as Aussie as it gets but i can't stand our cricket team, so will go with one of them probably. I reckon probably the West Indies because i like their grounds and the Caribbean flavour.
New Zealand. Love my home country and looking forward to belting you Aussies around your home grounds! :) Also, about time we won a trophy or two right?!
I'll probably go for England; but I might actually pick Scotland to see if there are any differences between the associates and test nations.

One thing that I don't expect to see in the game, but would be really cool, would be to allow players who play for associates nations who are too good to accept offers to play for a test nation they are near too (a bit like Boyd Rankin and English ODI/T20 cricket; or Ed Joyce in the past); or vice versa if for whatever reason, you couldn't break into your own international side (the only one I can think of offhand is Geriant Jones, who played some cricket for Papua New Guinea last year and i think still does if it doesn't class with the English county system). Perhaps something for the future!

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