What would you like to see patched?

I know what I'm about to talk isn't a thing to come with a patch. But...I'll try;

The animation timings are a not so satisfactory or didn't change much from earlier versions. I hope they can get this in the patch. Like A fielder reacting a second or two after he takes a catch. I hope this could be fixed.

Then the second one, if this is fixed, in the further updates, not meaning in the next patch, It'd certainly make the game more realistic.

The batsmen. Normally you see batsmen constantly adjusting themselves on the crease, and there's a certain movement relative or not according to the shot he plays. But here in the game, The batsmen just stands still and does nothing unless you attempt a shot. So that makes it look a bit arcade'sh. If that could be fixed, I'd love it.
Sticky this thread please and also delete double post, just in case Transmission looks in, they must be able to see everything clearly in one post. So the OP should take the suggestions and put it in his first post.

Yup, hve said the same earlier in my post, we need to make the things clear n easy to understand for the transmissions....

Also PC is loading too slow for me. Is it only me or everyone??

yes the site is having some issues.... getting some 'page not found' and 'timeout errors' too....

Huge traffic on the site.... :happy
I think one big thing missing from the game is ball not connecting with the bat and going through to the keeper. I can connect every ball even when I am playing with a number 11.

What about ball missing the bat?
In order of Importance:
1.)AI run outs a must if it is possible and doesn't cause any other annoying bugs.

2.)No balls lessened or at least removed for AI spinners.

3.)Customisation at least of England and Australia so we can at least change the bowler speeds ourselves.

4.)Ability to save custom field settings.

Could be other things but mainly the run outs for me.
defensive shots require an over-specific level of timing - too many defensives edge to keeper off spinners - i think timing should be more lenient with defensive shots or else there is no incentive to block if the risk is the same; most games ive played allow you to get your defensive in early; doing it on AC09 makes the player play a back foot defensive and get bowled:facepalm
i think at worst if you defend late (to the spinners which is my main issue) there can be more chance of ball beating bat and this affecting the confidence (i dont really see it going to keeper every time as that realistic) and if you defend too early then maybe there should be more chance of bat then pad with the ball going wherever (which i havent seen yet but is a more likely dismissal for a spinner); with the fast bowlers its quite likely that a back foot defensive play late carry to slip but it should be less likely on the front foot
Antialiasing Support is a must for PC gamers.
Fantastic to hear that they are doing a patch - have gone up a long way in my estimation because of that - providing they sort out the errors.

Bowler Pacing - Two things about this. One, Steve Harmison, is fast - for a start. Secondly I think that the ranges for "Fast", "Medium Fast" etc... need to be changed. There's actually very little difference in terms of MPH between Fast, Med Fast and Fast Med - so here's how I think it should be:

Fast needs to be around 90 (Not 95+ - just touching 90 every now and then - the odd 91/92 ball but on the whole 90).

"Medium Fast" (Which is the second one isn't it - its Fast - Medium Fast - Fast Medium - Medium as the order?) should be 88-90 - this isn't that much slower - I know - but Broad and Anderson are probably both Med-Fast - and then skirt 90 regularly.

Fast Medium ever so slightly slower - 85 ish - Stuart Clark type pace.

And medium - for the love of God - not the loopy rubbish we get at the moment - should be 70-75.

Bowling Bounce - A full length is way too full for both seamers and spinners, bring it back. Also, the AI drives back of a length balls/bouncers on the front foot - get rid of it!

Run Outs - Too many in AI - don't mind aggressive running, but when the balls in the bowlers hands, don't go running. Also to this, I think the AI in the field hit the stumps directly far too often, need to be more misses.

Back foot to a full ball - Obvious bug - full ball from a quick bowler - I got ALT + direction to play a nice little leg glace, and the game gets out a big backfoot hook - needless to say that bat is kilometers away from the ball - I'm LBW - sort this out!

AI Pacing in tests - Its actually very good on the whole in one day matches - although leaving the ball in the last 3 overs of a T20 game needs to be sorted! But in tests the pacing of the AI batsmen is rediculously high - between 3-4 an over will be fine as a base fix - if you can solve it more in depth then do so but that as a good starting point.

More none caught wickets - In T20, other than catches on the boundary and the ludicrious amounts of run-outs and catches on the boundary - I can't seem to get bowled and LBW's as often as I feel I should.

Thats all from me for now - if they solve these problems - this could be a fantastic game.
The batsmen. Normally you see batsmen constantly adjusting themselves on the crease, and there's a certain movement relative or not according to the shot he plays. But here in the game, The batsmen just stands still and does nothing unless you attempt a shot. So that makes it look a bit arcade'sh. If that could be fixed, I'd love it.

Not a chance.
I would say the timing zone for the attacking shots must be reduced both for AI and human player on Hard mode at the moment the Hard Mode is way to easy. I have scored over 800 runs for the loss of 2 wickets in a test match without playing a single lofted stroke. But its too easy to get a perfectly timed shot which goes for four as the perfect timing zone on dark green is far toooo big! The perfect time zone must be reduced to may be a single bar for perfect balls and 2 bars for non-perfect balls. As in real life bowlers who bowl have atleast 2-3 dot balls in an over minimum even in ODIs.

You can leave it the same for t20. I believe this will also sort out the AI as most of the shots will not go for six or fours if the timing bar is reduced.
Also please provide the perfect bowling zone atleast on the off and middle stump line. All i am trying to say is the so called perfect yellow spot is non existent if you are trying to bowl on stumps. You have to bowl way outside off stump to get the perfect zone. Increase the yellow zone. As it will make the online play even better and also it will help keep the human run rate to realistic in all forms. At the moment there are only 2-3 perfect zones for each bowler.

For spinners this perfect zone becomes even worse. For leg spinner you would expect the bowl to pitch on and around leg and middle stump to get LBWs and bowled. Whereas in the game you have to bowl way outside off stump to be able to bowl in the perfect zone this sucks big time!!!!!.
Give us more perfect zone. There should be a significant difference in handling pace and spin. At the moment difference in the pace is not that much. The fast bowlers must be really quick so that it gives us less than a second to press the button as even in real life you have 0.5 of a second to react to bowlers like LEE and other quicks bowling at 90MPH. Keeper dives are unrealistic against the spinner.

Make edges zone smaller too so that we can have LBW's and leg byes. At the moment outside edge, inside edge and bottom edge occupies 3/4 of the timing bar which is very very big hence impossible to miss the ball and get LBWs unless you play down the wrong line. If the timing bar is sorted half the issues will be solved and if you can bowl in line with the stumps and it can be a perfect(yellow spot) ball we can get more LBWs and bowled online and against the AI too.

AI running must be sorted!
I ll add more if I find any other faults!

And thanks for bringing a patch it might not solve all the problems but it will reduce some. But I am hoping this won't be the only patch! In fifa there were more than 2-3 patches that made the gameplay perfect.

Also in real cricket perfect bowling zone is between 6-8M where there are lots of play and misses the AI hardly ever bowls in this range. Use the pitch pixels to implement this. This cannot be hard!. 6m length ball must hit top of off and not a half-volley.

Go on youtube and watch where Mr. Glen MC Grath bowls or for that matter there is an amazing video of bowling by Ambrose where he takes 7wickets for 1 runs. Look at where the balls are pitching.
Don't give us such a huge timing bar even for crap bowls maybe 2-3 balls in the entire pitching area of the bowler. As in real cricket only half volley and short balls outside off stump or straying down leg gets punished. Rest are good balls which the batsman hit to the boundary depending on their ability and not because the bowler is a part time bowler.
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As I mentioned in another thread, in Test Match (Ashes) Mode on Difficulty "Hard" the AI offer far too many catches. I have bowled AI Australia out for under 100 on 3 occasions out of 6 innings. I have completed 3 Ashes Tests on "Hard", taking 60 AI wickets for under 750 runs, with 75% of these wickets being caught at slip or mid off/on.

From the 60 wickets taken, 44 have been caught, 8 run outs (all of these have been the runout bug), 5 lbw, 3 bowled.

AI batsmen have to offer less catches to make Test matches more realistic, especially on the most difficult setting.
Ability to save test matches online should be there in patch.

P.S: WhiteHornMatt sound like White-Horny-mate:p:p

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