What's the story behind dbc14/17 ashes fast bowling animation?

Some ungrateful people on here, that don’t deserve such a good game as this! No matter how good the game is though, it seems people will find things to moan about.
People can complain all they want. It becomes a pointless exercise however then the complaints are misinformed or misguided by a lack of understanding.

Or in the case in this thread, an ability to coherently, succinctly and respectfully express a point of view
Looking at all the posts, I didn't know if I should laugh or be sad. Anyways...

It was a horrible (bad) decision to recycle the dbc 17 action inspite of having mocap facility

I am pretty sure that it was a design flaw which leads to the rehashing of DBC17 bowling action because of the subtle variation based on user input which I frankly think should be thrown out of the window (fancy phrases do nothing but signify that you are driven by emotion than facts!) , no one notices or care (speak for yourself buddy! Don't generalize.) whether the bowling arm is at different degree when bowling inswing compare to out swing
Would be nice if you could learn how to express your opinions.^

Again what's the need to show it's affect in visuals? Especially if it's restricting more actions which could have been added . It would have been damn easy and butter smooth if they just have multiple static bowling action without over complex restrictive visual nuances.
Easy? Have you developed a game before. Atleast written a simple "Hello World!" program?...Nothing is easy.

And butter smooth? For heaven's sake, TemPSaad, go and play the game for once and experience it yourself!!! The videos are not showing the real smoothness of the game.

I will wait for more gameplay videos and see, I probably will purchase it and it will be my first cricket game purchase in over a decade. Not sure yet though.
You never learn do you?

It's because of the added realism of subtle changes in action based on timing and delivery length which I frankly speaking is of no use. Especially if it's making the action uglier and restricting another action which could have been added.
Wow. Can you please share the details of how you achieved this level of enlightenment?!

How do you explain the fact that a game from 99 has a smoother and more professional looking bowling action? It is you who is making no sense.
You do know to read right? Just checking, cause there have been multiple attempts my some members including me who have done so. Maybe you were too busy copy pasting your posts once every page that you missed it?

I am just posting common sense , the only thing which result in lack of actual bowling actions in the game inspite of having mocap facility is because of the technicalities of the current bowling system if you can change entire shots from DBC17 surely it's not hard to change the bowling action too unless there is technicalities which making it restrictive now i mean common you have the Aussies bowlers mocap data available yet you only use the last 2 second data for the actions? Surely bupa haven't been restrictive on its usage right i wouldn't make sense.
I'm really interested in how you think. It's fascinating, infact! Please tell me, how did you make that assumption?!!!

Point is why cannt we get canned bowling action in ashes? What's the point of user interaction in a bowling action? It's fairly straight forward and you don't notice subtle changing in action on real cricket on TV
"""""YOU"""" don't!

I have actually shown videos of Big Ant games to my friends and other cricket fanatics around me. Every single one of them right away pick on the animations and seem to lose interest because the game just doesn't look right. In fact if you read a lot of youtube comments, they also criticize the animations. It can have a good AI and tons of other features, but bowling/batting animations are not first world problems. They are core features of a cricket game. With the latest iteration I do want to give credit where it is due, the batting animations have improved a lot but the bowling leaves a lot to be desired.
Oh man! If they were gamers, they would have wanted to try the game before jumping to assumptions. If you were concerned about them playing the game, you would have said why not, let's try and see. But, you just came here and used them as an example of how YOU think that animations are the biggest problem in the world!

I don't want the bowler to jump when I say jump especially if it's gonna look clunky however the in the background it would register the input and the output would be the bowl pitching on the trough. Sounds simple to me.

It's just the over complex design flaw which making the action uglier
Yes I want the animation to be canned with the user input calculation running on the background.

And that's all the previous cricket game developers used this technique.
DR. TemPSaad, PhD. in cricket game development???

I am saying animation shouldn't be depend on your input infact your input should be depend on the animation . Just like guitar hero where you have to time the animation.[DOUBLEPOST=1510607400][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yes if it's gonna look pretty and not clunky looking current animations.
FINALLY! FINALLY! you have expressed your opinion in a way that's atleast understandable. This is worth a discussion. Just this ONE post. You see how you and all of us wasted the last 6-7 pages trying to unfurl your emotional adjective ridden posts? Please be clear and precise. This is a forum, not a chatroom.

Now for the idea itself, I understand what you are saying but Guitar Hero is a different style of game where you are trying to keep up with the game, while in Ashes, you are the game! Difference between narrative and immersive.

Well unfortunately EA does not make cricket games anymore. I think if they were to make one and use one of their current sports engines then they might actually release a good cricket game.
Like how EA made the latest SimCity release, Sims release and Mass Effect release a benchmark hit right?
If they ever did a cricket game, they won't...but if they still did then they would outsource it. They would probably come to BigAnt. If the game turned out to be good then it would be because of the developer and not EA!
EA would make sure the animations are top class and graphics are as good as their other AAA sports titles and grab a few licenses. You know what these are? Things that you can SEE in a YOUTUBE VIDEO, so you would buy. They wouldn't care about anything else. They wouldn't even care to patch. Do you know what such an act is called? I'll let you say it yourself...
(drops mic).
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So, you want pre-canned animations that you time your inputs to the bowlers run up... How do you then have a no ball animation?

The same people that propose this, frankly preposterous idea in 2017, would be the first to complain and post a bug that you can't bowl a no ball, or that the animations are pre-canned and not responsive to user inputs. In fact it was probably the same people that complained about the consistent lengths in DBC17 vs DBC14... Don't make me pull out the Homer car meme again!

In fact I've gota great idea... Why don't we turn the whole franchise in to a pseudo-rhythm game? Pre-canned batting animations where all you have to do is time the correct button press to hit the ball. The game decides what shot you are going to play based on the type of ball bowled. Your ability to time it results in a 1, 2, 4, 6 or out. Fielding? Again, just time the the correct button as it scrolls down the screen to catch the ball or throw down the stumps - A horrendously timed throw WILL result in overthrows (of course you don't get to decide which end you are throwing it to, that's pre-canned)? Why don't we ship it with a Dance Dance Revolution style floor mat so you can actually step on the right square as the bowler runs in or the ball is delivered. Think of the immersion, and the work-out you'd get!

GTFO I'd rather have 1 decent looking batting/bowling animation that actually responded to my inputs, rather than a series of timing mini games and pre-canned animations that I had no control over. The thing I hated most about EA Cricket 99 was that the batting was so pre-canned it was horrendous. You knew where the ball would go before you even hit it based on the line and length of the delivery. The arc was a gimmick, and due to it's broad coverage meant that the developer could pre-program in the shot based on the arc chosen. All in all, it was a sh*te game to be scrubbed from the annals of time compared to BLC99.
Again what's the need to show it's affect in visuals? Especially if it's restricting more actions which could have been added . It would have been damn easy and butter smooth if they just have multiple static bowling action without over complex restrictive visual nuances.

Because it's there to allow us to bowl without the metres etc. up on the screen, giving us a visual feedback in the actual action.

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