when it will release in pakistan??

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nickcarter_theg said:
Sorry to break some bad news.... but there's quite a chance that it might never be released on PC in pakistan.

Its true, iam still believing this. Because none of the shopkeepers know if and when its coming.
A simple question to disbelivers like asjad and nick carter
Patience is the key to success so wait and see when it will come.when it willl come it surely willl be in your hands
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Iam sorry to heat you up so much but i wasn't in karachi before late july. So anything related to EA cricket 2005, i have no idea, on the other hand, i am simply telling you what i get on my face whenever i visit the shops and ask them about BLIC2005. I am not saying that you are lying, but the facts are the real deal for now. If it isnt there then it isnt, when it is, thats great news for everyone.
dudes i know i want the game as much as all of you.. but the protection for this game according to some is simply impossible to get thru.... so you should understand what i'm trying to say... i just read it somewhere and i
m just letting you guys know... one thing is for sure. If the game is going to release in pakistan then it is probably going to be this weekend or the next Monday .. otherwise... it's sad news
Alright buddies, the game will release in Pakistan. Trust me on that but it will surely take some time. But the game will come. Also the proper version of Cricket 2005 is now out in Pakistan.
yes the proper version on two cd's is available and rage how much time do you think it's gonna take? no guesses... give exact or the most approximate figures. we don't want any false alarms again. :P

sorry i forgot to mention that the proper version of cricket 2005 is available... and rage i'm asking you about Blic 2005
what do u mean by this PROPER VERSION of cricket 2005 EA?????? r u talking about ps2 or pc???
yeah the proper version which doesnt need any mounting of images but has a simple setup and about BLIC well just be patient its gonna come but will take time.
did any one face the " Missing Texture " problem in the CD or in DVD, in which u have to mount the image for playing EA Sports 2005 ??????????
Well even reading the post that blic isnt out couldnt stop me from going to the market.I went to 2 big cd shops.One shop which is of my friend told me that Blic is comming on 15th.He is sticking with 15 from 24th of july and the other said that the game is out but we donot have it as yet he told me to come on his shop on Saturday
aitzaz said:
Well even reading the post that blic isnt out couldnt stop me from going to the market.I went to 2 big cd shops.One shop which is of my friend told me that Blic is comming on 15th.He is sticking with 15 from 24th of july and the other said that the game is out but we donot have it as yet he told me to come on his shop on Saturday
Hmmmm. that is goood news. i hope it is true..........
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