Where are people buying from in UK

as i said recently, the original distribution for the uk was awful, not just the release delay but the actual visibility being zero. the change of distributor when they released the ps4/xb1 versions seemed to improve this and the only retail copies of it i ever saw was those versions on supermarket shelves.

i really hope it is better this time around, and ba get the support the title deserves.

The distributor this time is that same one that did the ps4/xb1 last time, so hopefully it should be better out the gate this time.
Still no UK retail news and Still no UK news for release
date of DB17 ?
I will order via Australia if necessary .
Got have this game before Christmas
ShopTo have told me that they have not had any confirmation from distributor about release of this game in UK so will not list on their website. Poor if true as it is over a week since they asked.

It will be a huge shame if the distributors mess up the launch of the game as they did for previous game.
Does anyone know what stage of the process they'd be in now a month before release? Will the game have been cleared by Sony and Microsoft? Will the cd's currently be in production? Will they have shipped out to the publisher/whoever they go to? @Chief
Does anyone know what stage of the process they'd be in now a month before release? Will the game have been cleared by Sony and Microsoft? Will the cd's currently be in production? Will they have shipped out to the publisher/whoever they go to? @Chief

Yeah. By this time, it's Gold. Sent off to manufacturers and in production.
The game hasnt been imported to India as of yet. DBC 14 was imported first in the month of April 2014 and it was released on 3rd April so really close to the release date
I have sent a twitter message to the Game store i dealt with on release of DBC14 so lets see what they say.

If you look at other posts around the forum BA have said 15th Dec worldwide.
I feel for them as they put their faith into distributors who quite frankly in UK are rubbish!

I recon it'll be out on PSN before we see Physical copies for PS4 in UK.
It has cleared MS and Sony, when there is news I will share it.

As always, we are at the mercy of the retail buyers and what they want to stock at Christmas, hopefully it's Cricket.

Thanks for update @Ross.
Always on top of any issues / queries we have

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