Which side do you support?

Kev said:
Well obviously not with the same passion, but what's the point in watching a sporting event if you don't have the slightest interest in the outcome?

You can have an interest in the outcome without supporting a team. I watch cricket because I love the game, not necessarily to support a team in it's fight to win a game.
Well i'm similar to Kev in the way I can't watch a game without wanting someone to win otherwise I find it boring.

As for the game I support England, Ireland, Scotland and anyone against Australia or Pakistan.
You guys are right. We have such a boring team. I mean we have the player with the fastest World Cup Fifty, we have the best bowler in the world, best captain, we consistantly chase down big totals.

Man, I wish I was an Indian supporter, their team brings soo much more excitement.
wait.....Oh, India are out? Dang.

Seriously, how do you not find our team exciting? I can understand in this tournament, we have hardly broken a sweat so far, not been pushed, hopefully we will have some exciting games/performances against Aussie, SA, SL and Ireland.

I'm supporting New Zealand. If we don't win though, I'm going for Australia.
I don't think he was criticizing New Zealand's players Irottev, I think he just finds them boring for reasons beyond cricket. Like the fact that there's never any controversey surrounding them or something like that. I don't know. I don't find them boring; I've always loved watching New Zealand play. Maybe it's the fact that the team has no arseholes or cheats in it.
irottev said:
You guys are right. We have such a boring team. I mean we have the player with the fastest World Cup Fifty, we have the best bowler in the world, best captain, we consistantly chase down big totals.

Man, I wish I was an Indian supporter, their team brings soo much more excitement.
wait.....Oh, India are out? Dang.

Seriously, how do you not find our team exciting? I can understand in this tournament, we have hardly broken a sweat so far, not been pushed, hopefully we will have some exciting games/performances against Aussie, SA, SL and Ireland.

I'm supporting New Zealand. If we don't win though, I'm going for Australia.
funny... :D

i always support the minnows/underdogs because that's just become my thing now....before i used to support india but now i just like minnows upsetting big fishes... so i always go for the underdog team in any game
irottev said:
You guys are right. We have such a boring team. I mean we have the player with the fastest World Cup Fifty, we have the best bowler in the world, best captain, we consistantly chase down big totals.

Man, I wish I was an Indian supporter, their team brings soo much more excitement.
wait.....Oh, India are out? Dang.

Seriously, how do you not find our team exciting? I can understand in this tournament, we have hardly broken a sweat so far, not been pushed, hopefully we will have some exciting games/performances against Aussie, SA, SL and Ireland.

I'm supporting New Zealand. If we don't win though, I'm going for Australia.
You're looking for trouble where there is none. And who is this best bowler in the world that you are talking about? The heart of the matter is that the New Zealand team doesn't make me excited about their cricket. I can't change that--it's just my feeling. New Zealand has always struck me as a neutral team that I don't really have an opinion about. Unless they're playing Australia. ;)
new zealand all the way,then either south afica,england or sri lanka
JamesyJames3 said:
You can have an interest in the outcome without supporting a team. I watch cricket because I love the game, not necessarily to support a team in it's fight to win a game.

Nobody can be truly interested in a cricket match (or any sport for that matter) without having a slight bias towards either team. I've been watching and observing cricket for more than 12-13 years now so don't go on saying you can be "interested" without being involved in either team's fortunes. It simply won't happen that way.

Nobody can watch a match without being slightly biased either way. Even if you start out neutral, during the course of the game you *will* unconsciously start cheering for one side or the other and if you don't get that level of involvement, you'll turn off your television or doze off. That's the bottom line and that's the basic human psychology. We're all made of likes and dislikes -- it might be very mild or very strong, but it's there all the same. To pretend it's not there means you're either lying or you've misunderstood the feeling which you call "interest". After all, where does this "interest" come from?

We *always* are influenced by our likes, dislikes whether you acknowledge it or not. If you're absolutely neutral and not involved in either team even after watching part of a game, you simply won't watch the rest of the game... period. Cricket takes a lot of patience on the viewer's part particularly and it's difficult to follow without bias all the way.

It's very rare for people to watch a game and not be influenced by it slightly. Sports is like that - you need passion and for that you need to be biased. If you don't have either you won't watch or follow that sport for very long, I guarantee you that.
I agree with what Kev says about supporting a team when it involves a match other than your own country. Being neutral in another match doesn't make the game exciting.
My 2nd fav team is West Indies, chiefly due to Gayle and Lara. But, WI is playing crappy cricket. Next in line would be NZ.
harishankar said:
Nobody can be truly interested in a cricket match (or any sport for that matter) without having a slight bias towards either team. I've been watching and observing cricket for more than 12-13 years now so don't go on saying you can be "interested" without being involved in either team's fortunes. It simply won't happen that way.

Nobody can watch a match without being slightly biased either way. Even if you start out neutral, during the course of the game you *will* unconsciously start cheering for one side or the other and if you don't get that level of involvement, you'll turn off your television or doze off. That's the bottom line and that's the basic human psychology. We're all made of likes and dislikes -- it might be very mild or very strong, but it's there all the same. To pretend it's not there means you're either lying or you've misunderstood the feeling which you call "interest". After all, where does this "interest" come from?

We *always* are influenced by our likes, dislikes whether you acknowledge it or not. If you're absolutely neutral and not involved in either team even after watching part of a game, you simply won't watch the rest of the game... period. Cricket takes a lot of patience on the viewer's part particularly and it's difficult to follow without bias all the way.

It's very rare for people to watch a game and not be influenced by it slightly. Sports is like that - you need passion and for that you need to be biased. If you don't have either you won't watch or follow that sport for very long, I guarantee you that.

You've gone off on one there and I will just stop you to say - "Yes, you can".

I constantly watch football matches with no interest to me whatsoever and have no interest in any sort of result. For example I watched a match between Derby and Leicester earlier in the season. What's my interest there? I know, this is a cricket based topic, but it's exactly the same for football.

PS - You don't need bias to have passion.

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