who is furture the captain for aussies

Michael Clarke definitely. Also Hussey will give it a crack.
Michael Clarke is an obvious choice, it will be an interesting decision. It generally goes to a batsman, or a spinner sometimes, and Cameron White is indeed one of the best captains in Australia, and very young too!

His batting has progressed a mile in the last couple of years, and he could definitely make the team one day on that alone, his bowling is pretty limited and predictable, he averages like 3 wrong uns and over and doesn't get too much turn, but it's around Symonds' level I suppose.

Other possible candidates could include Marcus North or Adam Voges the WA boys if they can make the team on a consistent basis, and I guess that Nathan Adcock is a chance if he can make the team too.

Symonds and Lee have no chance, both are at ages that without any captaincy experience or vice captaincy experience, they would not be considered.
Hussey might just fill in a few games else he might act as a vice-captain for Clarke in the initial stages.
Maybe with their rotation policy the Aussies can give Ponting a break for the Chappell-Hadlee Trophy and allow Clarke to captain.
I think Michael Clarke will be captain aussies , possible will be brett lee or phil jaques ( why not ! he only 28 year old and plenty time a long future play aussies)
It'll be Michael Clarke unless he finds himself out of the team at the time of Ponting's retirement. The ACB and Ponting himself have always made the right noises about Clarke's experience and grooming to become the next captain.

Ponting and Hussey are both 32. I don't see one of them going before they're 34/35, mostly because their both too good to even undergo a lack of form and ability as they age. I don't see one of them going a couple of years or even a year before the other. I'd also don't see the Aussie selectors being so shortsighted as to say if Ponting retired at 34, but Hussey was still playing for maybe another year, I don't see them giving it to a guy who won't hold the job for more than two years at most, because it's not the Aussie's style. By this point also, Clarke will hopefully have been a regular in the side for 3/4 years, so it'd make more sense because he will be a much more established player than he is at the moment, and it's right now that he is really establishing himself as a player who will dominant international cricket in the next perhaps 10 years.
Clarke is a lock for the captain after ponting, surely it would take a miracle for someone to overtake him at the line from here.
Why are we discussing this. Aussies have long ago made it clear that Clarke will be captain and also are looking up for White development. But Clare for his experience will surely take over. Also there is no player under 30 in Aussie line up to be considered also.
Given the ages of the other candidates and assuming Punter goes on until he's 35-36, Clarke's in the box seat as he's actually in the test XI. Long-range forecasts are always a bit of a punt though, so it's not a given. I mean if (God forbid) Punter walked out in front of a bus tomorrow I imagine Hussey would be given the job. Another possible factor is Hussey's late start to his test career; although he's only about 6 months younger than Ponting he debuted in 2005 so it could well be he fancies going on for a good few years after Punter knocks it on the head.
Hussey has been fill-in captain here and there. So i won't be surprised if he takes the position or not. But i think Clarke will definitely get it in the near future. Anyway, can't determine the future too much, theres too many outs to be so narrow-minded.

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