Why is Planetcricket Tough on people like me?

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Well,atleast when you were putting in that pic to your sig,you should've seen how gigantic it was compared to the other members' one's.
gold639 said:
Well,atleast when you were putting in that pic to your sig,you should've seen how gigantic it was compared to the other members' one's.
yes have seen that but i was curious at that time if it wasn't removed,i surely have won easily the award of "Biggest Signature Ever' :D
DoN said:
but why my rep points not a single time two times in an instant on the same post :( !!!
Not possible, must have been someone else
brad352 said:
Not possible, must have been someone else
How many times i have to say this it was the moderator 'Shailesh' he can give me infinite -ve rep points offcourse you may know better than me...
DoN said:
How many times i have to say this it was the moderator 'Shailesh' he can give me infinite -ve rep points offcourse you may know better than me...
If you've got two or more negative reps for the same post, at least one was from another member as you can't rep the same post twice- reputation can also be edited via the control panel however this won't show up in your profile
brad352 said:
If you've got two or more negative reps for the same post, at least one was from another member as you can't rep the same post twice- reputation can also be edited via the control panel however this won't show up in your profile
ok mate

now again i got -ve rep points whts this now on posting tht why i got -ve rep points thats unfair i now got a total of -38 before -ve rep pointsi got -8 plz do something!!! i will not post now on this thread now plz get my rep points back :mad
here is the link to the post
I suggest you move on, respect the decisions of the staff and try to impress everyone with the quality of your posts.
Whilst I said that it is our policy to PM people first, we may not have the time and the sig may need to be removed as it is far too big. Therefore the best thing to do it check the forum rules and make sure there's no need to remove your sig.
I'm sure Colin remembers,when I first joined this place,I sent him a pm complaining because someone de-repped me unfairly.I suppose you're in the same situation :)

But look at my rep now ;)
Also don, you can do yourself some favours by removing that awful avatar :D Why do we have to put up with that picture everytime you post.
Exactly.People will get a better impression if you have a better avatar :)

No offence,but I hate it.
now everyone happy with my avatar looks kewl :D the lady who was in my avatar have gone to see the Dentist & the Doctor have advised her that u need a pair of braces Miss Bugs Bunny
but how do i impress with quality posts not with substandard posts :p my starting iss to bad i have annoyed some serious members here they will be willing to kill me or banned me :rolleyes: but now i m happy with my avatar it suites me :D
hope so that now i dont have to beg for rep points !! but but but -38 :crying
Begging for rep points is a sure fire way to not get any. Indeed, I'm tempted to de-rep you for begging for them ;)

Just post sensible, well thought out posts. Making them readable helps too, ie. don't use abbreviations (u, r, plz and so on), use punctuation (which you seem to dislike), don't type all in caps. It's quite easy really.
andrew_nixon said:
Begging for rep points is a sure fire way to not get any. Indeed, I'm tempted to de-rep you for begging for them ;)

Just post sensible, well thought out posts. Making them readable helps too, ie. don't use abbreviations (u, r, plz and so on), use punctuation (which you seem to dislike), don't type all in caps. It's quite easy really.
i just said begging because my rep points were de-repped :crying cause of using a huge signature i didn't knew about it but my dear fellow didn't let me know it & my rep pointrs were de-repped :noway haven't i created serious problems to PC forums :p how could i (Admin,Moderators etc are here to take care of him) My grammar is not too good to use punctuation i really hate it ,from my school days :D
Now i have no complaints regarding rep points i m happy with my rep points that says i will become famous soon enough :happy HURRAH :happy i am on the MoOon !! :D Thanks
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Phew. Rep points are not everything, you know? It's not like anyone looks at the rep points and then judges your post. Well, actually...:D Seriously, though, calm down. Negative reps does not mean the end of the world--you will face far more difficult challenges in your life.
sohummisra said:
Phew. Rep points are not everything, you know? It's not like anyone looks at the rep points and then judges your post. Well, actually...:D Seriously, though, calm down. Negative reps does not mean the end of the world--you will face far more difficult challenges in your life.
yes but by looking at the start i got you can't see a comeback -51 ve rep points at once whoo i was stunned at that time but as my rep points are now in positive it satisfies me a bit & now i will be on my toes to earn rep points :D (not negative ones :p)
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