Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade for $49 - Pre-Order


Respected Legend
PlanetCricket Award Winner
Apr 26, 2003
For USA members, this is a steal! Popular technology store Best-Buy has introduced a special offer for all existing XP and Vista users to upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium for just $49. Its an online only sale (Best Buy) and according to me, its a HUGE STEAL! The OS upgrade has both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions available in the same box (confirmed from customer reviews for the product at their site).

The Windows 7 Professional upgrade is $99. I just pre-ordered the Home Premium version and its slated for delivery between Oct 22-29. This sale lasts only till July 13th or whatsoever. So those of you who have existing XP or Vista and want to upgrade to Windows 7 when it comes, HURRY UP!!

P.s: The "Windows XP mode" is not available in Home Premium. Its only available in Windows 7 Professional (or Ultimate).
This deal is available from major retailers in the US, Canada, UK and Japan. In a larger number of countries, you can buy a new Windows PC or Windows package and become eligible for a free Windows 7 Upgrade edition.

The trade-off in all of Microsoft's such deals is that you can only get an upgrade version, that is, a version that can only be installed over a existing Windows installation. This is most applicable for users who do not intend to format their hard drive or migrate to a new system during the Windows 7 product cycle.
No, you can use an upgrade disc for a new install, you just need to either give it a Vista disc and/or product key during install.

I'll just wait and get it through uni, they have Vista Ultimate Upgrades for $80 so 7 should be around that or cheaper. Can't wait to upgrade, XP is really annoying me now.
I guess you might have to retain your old Windows installation CD, install it on a fresh HD and then upgrade to Windows 7 (if you want to install it on a fresh drive). Its an increase in the process but for $50, I feel its worth it (esp. for students who cant spend too much money on things like OS and they dont want to download pirated software).
This is most applicable for users who do not intend to format their hard drive or migrate to a new system during the Windows 7 product cycle.
I pretty much never intend to format my hard drive :p

Might look at this, I am happy with vista but worth a butchers anyhow.
I have migrated to Windows 7 RC as my primary (and in fact only) environment now because Vista just blew after using Windows 7. I am in a quandary as to whether I should get the (Professional) upgrade. I currently don't have a residence and by the time the product is delivered I will have one--however, the upgrade offer lasts before I find out my address. Shucks.

I may just fork over the full OS price once it rolls around since I will have a job. I will certainly miss the days of academia where I got copies of Vista Business for free, though!

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