Worst bowling performances

Poor Mick Lewis, was considered one of Australia's better at-the-death bowlers before that match, which is why Ponting bowled him his full quota. He was never the same after that, even for Victoria, and ended up retiring in January 08 when he wasn't getting picked for FC cricket anymore.
I remember what I thought was the worst ball - Steve Waugh bowling the last ball of the match against Pakistan back in 1992 and Mujtaba hit a waist high full toss for 6 to give them a tie. Man I was annoyed.

See it here:

Of course there are worse balls eg. the famous Harmison wide of the 06/07 Ashes, but to bowl a fullie on the last ball was shocking.
This is not as bad as some mentioned but this is the one I remember. Daryl Tuffey against Australia.

0.1 Tuffey to Hayden, 3 wides, oopsy! Tuffey loses his radar and the bowls wide outside leg stump, McCullum flings himself to his right and the ball goes towards fine leg
0.1 Tuffey to Hayden, no run, good length on middle and leg, pushed towards midwicket
0.2 Tuffey to Hayden, 1 wide, wide down leg again
0.2 Tuffey to Hayden, no run, fuller on middle and leg and Hayden turns his wrists, midwicket does the fielding
0.3 Tuffey to Hayden, 1 wide, Tuffey struggling here. this one is sprayed wide of off stump towards the direction of slip
0.3 Tuffey to Hayden, no run, good length on off stump, Hayden pushes forward and drives to mid-off
0.4 Tuffey to Hayden, FOUR, full on leg, Hayden gets forward just a touch and flicks it wide of midwicket a little uppishly
0.5 Tuffey to Hayden, no run, length ball on off stump, Hayden pushes it towards cover
0.6 Tuffey to Hayden, no run, straighter line and length, Hayden gets caught o the pads and a half herated appeal follows

It was one of those overs that felt like forever, surprisingly Tuffey only went for 9 in that over. Ended up with 0/80. And of course can't forget Murali going for 99. http://content.cricinfo.com/statsguru/engine/match/236595.html
Don't be so defensive KP :p Malcom Nash's name made it to Cricinfo's list, and he couldn't have been that bad as he was bowling to Gary Sobers. This is UV, conceding six 6s to him will take slightly more work, so to say...
Defensive? What's there to defend? UV hit Broad for six sixes, I canny contest that. It was more a statement of Precum's twatness as opposed to a defense of Stuart Broad.
it has to be Michael Llewellyn Lewis who want for 113 runs in 10 overs against South Africa in 2006
Broad sucked that over. too full and right in the arc for Yuvraj. A bowler who starts in all forms of the game should be able to get 1 out of 6 in the block hole in the death of a t20, surely.
is really really unbelievable...
Even Sami 17 ball over!
Depends who you've seen more of I guess. I've seen alot of Broad, and in the last 5-6 months he's been excellent. Has been bowling at a genuinely good pace (hitting 93mph on more than 1 occasion, more consistently quick than Ishant Sharma), has excellent accuracy, more than handy variation and a very, very good bouncer. He's been beating good batsmen for pace this summer, bouncing Sarwan out on 100, and then genuinely beating him for pace in the 2nd ODi. He's going to be a top class bowler in all forms of the game, I'm sure of it.
We lost 5-0, what's your point? What exactly do I have to escape from there? =/

LOL. You're so wide of the mark, he'd walk into the 3rd Seamer spot in the Indian side. He's a much better bowler than Munaf Patel.
No, nobody has been shmuck like him when it mattered. Nobody can better Broad's infamous record ever!!

Precambrian added 1 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...


Sky's speedguns are way rigged. Even I could clock 90mph on them.

And against exactly whom Broad has been "gun" in the last few months? Hear hear, Windies of course!!!
Nah, the air is just a lot thinner in England than in other parts of the world. Same with Australia. Thats why you see guys like Zaheer even touching 150 down under, but in India they're stuck at 130.
That was 2 years ago, on a flat wicket, in a Twenty20 game. If you're basing his whole career and his talents on that 1 over, then it shows how warped your opinions are. He's a miles better bowler now than he was then.

Sky Speedguns may have been exaggerated at Lords, but even after Lords, Broad was timed at consistently quicker than Fidel Edwards, Jerome Taylor and James Anderson. You don't beat an experienced batsman like Sarwan, who's in excellent form for pace on two occassions bowling at 86mph. Broad is genuinely quick nowadays.

It may be the Windies, but he's actually bowled well, and if you'd watched it you'd know that. He's not picked up cheap wickets of the tail, he gets good batsmen out with good deliveries, especially in ODi cricket. He'll prove you wrong, which tbh wouldn't be a huge surprise having read quite a few of your posts on CW, you were hardly the most respected and knowledgable member on there, so it wouldn't be a massive surprise to see you proven wrong once again, this time on here. Just try not to get banned and have to make multiple accounts with a Proxy server on this forum ;)
That was 2 years ago, on a flat wicket, in a Twenty20 game. If you're basing his whole career and his talents on that 1 over, then it shows how warped your opinions are. He's a miles better bowler now than he was then.

Sky Speedguns may have been exaggerated at Lords, but even after Lords, Broad was timed at consistently quicker than Fidel Edwards, Jerome Taylor and James Anderson. You don't beat an experienced batsman like Sarwan, who's in excellent form for pace on two occassions bowling at 86mph. Broad is genuinely quick nowadays.

It may be the Windies, but he's actually bowled well, and if you'd watched it you'd know that. He's not picked up cheap wickets of the tail, he gets good batsmen out with good deliveries, especially in ODi cricket. He'll prove you wrong, which tbh wouldn't be a huge surprise having read quite a few of your posts on CW, you were hardly the most respected and knowledgable member on there, so it wouldn't be a massive surprise to see you proven wrong once again, this time on here. Just try not to get banned and have to make multiple accounts with a Proxy server on this forum ;)
Whom are you trying to kid?

His test record is still abysmal even in the "two" years when he has made "rapid" progress. Admittedly he took some wickets against WI, agreed, but otherwise he;s been mediocre.

BTW, lol, are u really defending Broad's 6 sixes? C'mon, mate, you can be better than that.

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