Worst bowling performances

The thing with bad bowling is that often an utter lack of control gets off lightly when a player who is landing the ball in a reasonable area is the one who will get carted. Look at 'the Harmy'. That ball was so wide that it is now as memorable as any six, but the bowler only conceded 1 for it.

I remember last season Dirk Nannes had some problems gripping the ball in a first class match and was quickly removed from the attack for head-high full tosses. That was not before he picked up a wicket, however.

So too, did Mohammed Ashraful when he bowled a tame half tracker to AB de Villiers in a Test match. The ball bounced twice and de Villiers chipped the ball to a fielder, only to be given out, because it's not a no-ball unless it bounces more than twice.

When these sorts of things happen and then you have guys who get hit for six while bowling a length, it's hard to see any sort of linear pattern to it; the quality of a delivery is at best, a set of probabilities. Even the best exponents of the yorker can seldom harbour ambitions to bowl six in a row, because that would be too predictable. Sometimes unpredictable is what gets results, but is it really 'good'?
Broad going for six 6's was pretty bad but it wasn't poor bowling. Yes he could of got one in the block hole, but Yuvraj Singh was going so well a young bowler like Broad had no where to hide. It could of been worse, he could of bowled a wide trying to throw him off his rythem.

BTW anyone saying that the speed guns sky are using are off, how about watching the game. Broad was bowling pretty quick in the tests and ODI's.
Broad going for six 6's was pretty bad but it wasn't poor bowling. Yes he could of got one in the block hole, but Yuvraj Singh was going so well a young bowler like Broad had no where to hide. It could of been worse, he could of bowled a wide trying to throw him off his rythem.

BTW anyone saying that the speed guns sky are using are off, how about watching the game. Broad was bowling pretty quick in the tests and ODI's.
Hi mate, how's the ban like?

Broad was atrociously poor and still is in test cricket. He is a reasonably good bowler in ODIs. I think he will end up as a poor man's Hoggard for England in tests.
Van Bunge can be excused as he is hardly a regular bowler. Broad effectively lost the match for England, not discounting the shame that will haunt him forever.

I can't wait to see how the Aussie batsmen respond to this princess's antics on the pitch.
What shame exactly? It seems to be only the Indians that care about that over.
What shame exactly? It seems to be only the Indians that care about that over.
Oh yes, not many Japanese would like to think about WW2 debacle, likewise not many Poms would like to remember about that T20 over.
Oh yes, not many Japanese would like to think about WW2 debacle, likewise not many Poms would like to remember about that T20 over.
We've just forgotten about it because it was not a big deal. We would remember it if it happened in a slightly more important match, but it didn't. Broad was hit for a maximum by Yuvraj Singh. So what? Is it something to be ashamed of? No! It isn't! Get over it!
Hi mate, how's the ban like?

Broad was atrociously poor and still is in test cricket. He is a reasonably good bowler in ODIs. I think he will end up as a poor man's Hoggard for England in tests.


Oh yes, not many Japanese would like to think about WW2 debacle, likewise not many Poms would like to remember about that T20 over

Don't tell me you are comparing WW2 to a 20/20 game, please.
We've just forgotten about it because it was not a big deal. We would remember it if it happened in a slightly more important match, but it didn't. Broad was hit for a maximum by Yuvraj Singh. So what? Is it something to be ashamed of? No! It isn't! Get over it!
Tell me something that is more embarassing for a bowler in a club match, let alone in an international.

Here this chap went for not one maximum but just a half dozen in err half a dozen balls. The same Englishmen still drool over Sobers' feat in a mere FC. This was in a do or die T20 WC game!!

I am really enjoying this defensiveness of the Poms. Mate, why don't you reserve some for post Ashes?
Hi mate, how's the ban like?

Broad was atrociously poor and still is in test cricket. He is a reasonably good bowler in ODIs. I think he will end up as a poor man's Hoggard for England in tests.

That is possibly the worst comparison I've ever heard, Broad is nothing like Hoggard as a bowler. Hoggard operated generally at about 85mph average, and was purely a pitch up swing bowler. Broad operates at anywhere from 89-93mph and is generally a hit the deck back of a length bowler. Broad will, in no way be a poor mans Matthew Hoggard.
It was actually Flintoff's fault. He opened his big gob and tried to act hard towards UV before the penultimate over when India were flying high. Thus firing UV up.

Not a clever decision.

Weren't you preaching and patronising me for getting banned from CW owing to an unproven duplicate account?

And it was really funny to see you getting the same treatment as well. Mate, I must say you must be really retarded to talk to yourself by using two duplicate accounts (Howsie and Puma) and then accidently posted with the wrong ID, and worse of worse deleted it and reposted with the right ID. :D

Don't tell me you are comparing WW2 to a 20/20 game, please.

The analogy is not in the wars, but the numbness of the shame. Not one Englishman was unashamed on that night at Durban. The reason was? A pom had just been swept for 36 in a single international WC over. That is shame. I would not sleep for a week if I got that in my local club match.

Precambrian added 4 Minutes and 46 Seconds later...

That is possibly the worst comparison I've ever heard, Broad is nothing like Hoggard as a bowler. Hoggard operated generally at about 85mph average, and was purely a pitch up swing bowler. Broad operates at anywhere from 89-93mph and is generally a hit the deck back of a length bowler. Broad will, in no way be a poor mans Matthew Hoggard.
No, I meant that he might end up doing a similar job, and average around 35 in test cricket for a long time. An option persisted with just because he can bowl the odd 90er and score a dogged 40. (Ok Hoggard might be an out of arse comparison, I agree, but then I couldn't find too many better bowlers than him in the recent English history)
The analogy is not in the wars, but the numbness of the shame. Not one Englishman was unashamed on that night at Durban. The reason was? A pom had just been swept for 36 in a single international WC over. That is shame. I would not sleep for a week if I got that in my local club match.
But 2 years on? Why do people keep talking about it? It happened. It isn't historic.
Yeh, it was embarassing for about a week. It's 2 years on now, it's been forgotten. Broad's improved immensely since then, and is now a far, far better bowler. I'm not going to try and defend that over, as it's pointless, but it really wasn't as important an over as you're trying to make out. It certainly hasn't affected his career, made him more mentally tough if anything. Embarassing at the time, not even remotely important an event 2 years on.
It was actually Flintoff's fault. He opened his big gob and tried to act hard towards UV before the penultimate over when India were flying high. Thus firing UV up.

Not a clever decision.
Still, no excuses on part of Broady to serve him half volleys after half volleys interrupted by a full toss right?

Precambrian added 4 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

But 2 years on? Why do people keep talking about it? It happened. It isn't historic.
Sorry mate, since 100+ years of International cricket, only ONE bowler from a test playing nation has been subject to such treatment in an International. That shows the precious uniqueness of it. You can cry it down as much as you want, but the feat won't be forgotten in Broad's lifetime or Yuvi's. And not when Cricinfo publishes and republishes every year how Sobers hit Nash in some random FC game 4 decades back.

Precambrian added 1 Minutes and 22 Seconds later...

Yeh, it was embarassing for about a week. It's 2 years on now, it's been forgotten. Broad's improved immensely since then, and is now a far, far better bowler. I'm not going to try and defend that over, as it's pointless, but it really wasn't as important an over as you're trying to make out. It certainly hasn't affected his career, made him more mentally tough if anything. Embarassing at the time, not even remotely important an event 2 years on.
It won't be forgotten ever, and there is absolutely nothing wrong in bringing it up again and again for it was one of the worst displays ever of bowling. Broad has not improved as a test bowler since then, and I am just waiting for the Baggy Green to sign it.

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