Regarding Jeff Hardy's apparent neck injury, the employees at the Best Buy store were saying for some reason that Jeff Hardy had suffered a neck injury, which is why he wasn't there for his scheduled autograph signing. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase ended up taking his place. It doesn't appear that he has a neck injury, but he does however have an elbow injury. He came to Tuesday's SmackDown/ECW taping with fluid in his elbow that wouldn't drain well, and was pulled off the weekend house shows as a result. Cait sent in the following... Just thought I'd pass along the information that over on the message board the topic of Jeff Hardy's "broken neck" came up. Tamran who is a reliable source of Hardy information said the following "not true....jeff is injured, he's having some elbow issues that's why he was pulled off things this weekend. so he can be at the PPV on sunday."