Wrestling thread

Here is my card for SumerSlam

Kane v Rey Mysterio - Heavyweight Championship
Kane will retain his championship and the Undertaker will make his return.

John Cena, Jericho, Edge, Morrison, Khali, R-Truth and Bret Hart v Nexus
John Cena and his team will win and will probably make Nexus history. Wade Barret will be new heel of RAW

Randy Orton v Sheamus - WWE Championship
Randy Orton will defeat Sheamus and then The Miz will cash in his MITB and win the title. I would love to see Miz lose it but it wont happen.

Evan Bourne v The Miz - United States Championship
Evan Bourne will win and the Miz will later win the WWE Championship

R-Truth v Drew McIntyre - Intercontinental Championship
Can go anywhere

These are just my predictions..

It will be Taker vs Kane at SS in a Casket Match for the title. That is how it has been planned according to some websites. I guess it will be revealed soon that Kane was the attacker e.t.c.

And for Nexus match, I think Jericho will betray Cena and he will be revealed as the Nexus Leader or HHH being the mystery GM and Nexus' Leader
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Great move with the Nexus, WWE. IT's revitalised RAW especially and made it less kiddy oriented. Hornswoggle hasn't been seen for ages (good) and the seven on one beatdowns handed out by the Nexus are hardly suitable for kids as well. Good! WWE shouldn't be overly focused at kids!

More fun and games with the GM - now it could be Triple H (although I'm sure he'll come back to the ring before too long) or HBK - as well as Stone Cold. :)
HHH can still wrestle and they will not have him leave just like that. He will have farewell of the proportion of HBK.

RAW needs to bring back Kelly Kelly and promote Bella twins more. :yes
IT's revitalised RAW

Wasn't SmackDown the one that needed revitalzing. When I used to watch it was all about RAW and that's what drew in the numbers. Albeit I used to prefer SmackDown with Batista, Rey and The Undertaker.
Batista has already left WWE as he is working for a new film. I agree with Ollie, Smackdown isnt as good as Raw. I think Christian needs to be given a push as he is way better than Jack Swagger.
Wasn't SmackDown the one that needed revitalzing. When I used to watch it was all about RAW and that's what drew in the numbers. Albeit I used to prefer SmackDown with Batista, Rey and The Undertaker.

I know what you mean - I reckon it was the entire WWE that needed a kick up the arse.

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

Batista has already left WWE as he is working for a new film. I agree with Ollie, Smackdown isnt as good as Raw. I think Christian needs to be given a push as he is way better than Jack Swagger.

Batista has left the WWE? :facepalm
Batista has left lol

anyway The Miz shouldnt be World Champ but if he loses the US title it would probably be more obvious that he is winning a World Title but I dont want him holding 2 titles
Shaun Tait, shouldn't you be training up for the upcoming ODI series against India instead of watching television?

WWE is not a sport it is entertainment.So cant the mods and admin see this thread.
Batista has left lol

anyway The Miz shouldnt be World Champ but if he loses the US title it would probably be more obvious that he is winning a World Title but I dont want him holding 2 titles

I want Les Miz to be the first guy ever to fail to win the title after cashing in his contract. :)

WWE = Wrestling and Entertainment
Wrestling = Sports
. . WWE = Sports

Yes, it is entertainment, but there's a sporting element as well. I really wish the matches weren't so scripted - I'd much prefer to see them fight and the better man winning, and I'd prefer a situation where the storylines were written based on whatever the result was, instead of the result being decided in advance.

Also, don't you guys find it annoying the amount of matches that are ruined by interference, especially when you've just paid ?15 to see it?
Batista has left the WWE?
He is moving towards MMA like Lesner:p .I just hope that The Rock will make his return as he promised this year (maybe as a GM).

Few wrestlers who are better than others and are underrated are:
Evan Bourne
John Morrison

And few wrestlers(of past) who deserved to be on top through promotions :
Chris Benoit : Deserved to be no.1 before his death
Test: Was a better wrestler than Khali
RVD: He was never acknowledged as a top wrestler
Goldberg: Probably one of the best wrestlers of all time but never received too much attention.
Shelton Benjamin: Best in high flying moves
Kurt Angle: Very Underrated
Bobby Lashley : A better wrestler than Edge.
Diesel/kEVIN Nash : Better than Khali, or even Kane.
And few wrestlers(of past) who deserved to be on top through promotions :
Chris Benoit : Deserved to be no.1 before his death
Test: Was a better wrestler than Khali
RVD: He was never acknowledged as a top wrestler
Goldberg: Probably one of the best wrestlers of all time but never received too much attention.
Shelton Benjamin: Best in high flying moves
Kurt Angle: Very Underrated
Bobby Lashley : A better wrestler than Edge.
Diesel/kEVIN Nash : Better than Khali, or even Kane.

Do you know what the difference was between these guys and the ones who were at the top? Their ability to work the mic, very rarely has their been a champ and he has not been good when doing promo skits. Or trash talking. I know the Undertaker used to barely talk but he just had so much charisma that he was able to pull it off. But someone like Rey Mysterio failed so much when he was on the mic.

That is why these guys above haven't really been pushed through, I remember Lashley was so bad on the mic which was why he never cut it. That and I hear a lot of them had attitude problems as well.

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