Wrestling thread

No he isnt. Just didnt want to spill the beans but he is main eventing MITB against Cena. And the stipulation is that if Punk wins, he leaves the company with the championship title and if Cena loses it, he is fired!

If that is the case, then I can't see Cena losing it, can it?
Anything can happen. "You're fired!" has no meaning nowadays. Look at Cena, Ziggler, Edge and Cena himself.
Here's the card for MITB so far. The ones in bold are the ones I'm rooting for.

WWE Title Match: John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk.

WWE World Title Match: Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian.

Raw Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Alex Riley, The Miz, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio.

Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Kane, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes.

WWE Divas Title Match: Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Brie Bella.
Raw would be good tonight hopefully CM Punk will show up. Anything he says is made of gold. The Miz must beat Alex Riley, The Miz is the must see champion in WWE history and A-Ry(Stupid nickname) is 'nothing'


Personally I think Cody Rhodes will be the MITB winner for Smackdown. A fued with Orton is on the cards.
@Ayub: CM Punk is not going to show up on tonight's taping. And Riley beats The Miz again!
hey mcmahon says if punk win and leave the company with the title then cena will be fired


Riley beats The Miz again!

yeah but after the match he attacked alex riley because he know if he faces him every week he will lose his reputation.
Where ?
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I've heard from different forums that WWE are keen on signing Tajiri back now that HHH is incharge.
I've heard from different forums that WWE are keen on signing Tajiri back now that HHH is incharge.

Tajiri was a good wrestler. I think Tazz should also come back to wrestling. He had a deadly finishing submission move, Tazz.
No chance of seeing Tazz in the ring now. He is done with all of it now.

And here's another cool spoiler:

We might get to see another Undertaker - Triple H clash! And this time, its at SummerSlam 2011.
No chance of seeing Tazz in the ring now. He is done with all of it now.

And here's another cool spoiler:

We might get to see another Undertaker - Triple H clash! And this time, its at SummerSlam 2011.

HHH-Undertaker Clash! Wow, that would be a treat to watch!
No chance of seeing Tazz in the ring now. He is done with all of it now.

And here's another cool spoiler:

We might get to see another Undertaker - Triple H clash! And this time, its at SummerSlam 2011.

Again?! :facepalm

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